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Big strides forward this week!

I mostly concentrated on the last of the edits for the demo this week, but I still managed to finish A's scene completely, as well as M's!

I only have F's and the Love Triangle to go on Chapter 7! They're hefty emotional backstory scenes, so I need to make sure I get them right, but I am SERIOUSLY enjoying finally revealing more about them!

But I did get all the edits into the new demo section and then got it over a day early to the beta testers! So they are currently testing it out and trying all the variations, seeing if they can't rout out bugs, look at continuity, spelling, etc (while boosting me with amazing and wonderful comments! I thank the stars everyday for being surrounded by such positive and encouraging people! <3 <3 <3)

So yeah, it was a real push forward week on the demo this one! The beta testers have it until early next week, then I will be inputting their edits, and I can push full ahead on release. 

As usual, Patreon users will get it a few days earlier than the public release, and I ask you guys to please be considerate of everyone else. Please, please don't share the link or any screenshots, reactions etc. You guys have been great with that in the past, and I super appreciate it!

Because I was doing so well in pushing forward, it meant I could work on Creek Edge again on a night this week. I finished Pyrus' love interest sprite!

I had to redesign his outfit about three times, but am happy with what I finally settled on!


For Update+ this week, I wanted to share an unedited snippet of how M is really starting to get into the swing of letting their emotions show more often without hesitation...with the usual snark, of course :D


*if ((sarcastic >= 75)or(charming >= 75))

"Worried about me?" I ask, not holding back the teasing in my voice.

*goto chap7_povm1

*elseif (bold >= 70)

"Worried about me?" I ask, letting a smirk play at the corner of my lips.

*goto chap7_povm1

*elseif ((friendly <= 35)or(charming <= 35))

"Were you worried about me?" I ask bluntly.

*goto chap7_povm1


I arch a brow and tilt my head. "You almost sound like you were worried about me?"

*goto chap7_povm1

*label chap7_povm1

$!{m_she} steps further out of ${m_his} bedroom and begins sauntering towards me down the hallway, ${m_his} lean figure still highlighted to best advantage by the light pouring out of the room behind ${m_him}.

"Considering there's a host of Rogue supernaturals, an army of Trappers, oh and yeah, a fucking winged giant after you, you bet I was worried," ${m_she} states.


I'm really trying to work hard on bringing the personality stats into play more through these small dialogue and action variations, so as each playthrough really feels personal to how you play your MC!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I'll talk to you all soon! <3



Can't wait for my MC to break at the thought of M concerned for them. Like huh. What does it all MEAN?


We're getting so close to demo time and I seriously can't wait &lt;3 Pyrus looks so awesome, and M! M who pretends that they don't care! Secret softie :D (Have they said fuck before? I don't think I've ever seen that from them 👀)


There's two instances in Book Three, but I tend to try and keep it to a minimum to help wit getting it through Apple's censors! We'll see how it goes for Book Three, lol! :D


I am so excited the demo is close. Mason admitting he is worried, my heart can't take it. He is forgiven for the bakery incident.


ahhhhh melt my heart openly worried M!!!!!!!! I want to yell


Ahhhhhhh I'm getting pumped up!! Thank you so much for all the hard work, Mishka! We're all so proud of you ♡♡♡ I'm wondering how many chapters long the demo will be? Unless that's been confirmed somewhere and I completely missed it. XP


The final demo will be six chapters long (and a painful word count, so hopefully a lot of content to keep you guys going, hehe!) :D


At this rate volume 4 will have a 2M word count XD Don't strain yourself, now!


AAAAAAA I’M SO DANG HYPED I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY!! It’s all gonna be more than worth the wait, I just know it! Thank you so much for all of your work, Mishka. It’s going to be amazing! 🤩


I'm loving protective Mason.


I'm glad everyone as come to the blanket agreement we can stay on task and flow through as long as no ones harming F. Lol


I know that this has been asked and answered somewhere already.. But where will The Curse of Creek Edge be available to play when it’s ready? Also I just wanted to say that you, as well as this world you have created for all of us to enjoy, are wonderful! ❤️

Emily Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:16:55 I think I asked this before but if we chose N at the end of book 2 during the LT route does that disqualify MC ever choosing A later on?
2021-04-30 08:57:46 I think I asked this before but if we chose N at the end of book 2 during the LT route does that disqualify MC ever choosing A later on?

I think I asked this before but if we chose N at the end of book 2 during the LT route does that disqualify MC ever choosing A later on?


It will be released on itch.io, though I am looking into porting options as well as possibly Steam. Definitely itch.io though :D


No, the love triangle will continue. When that choice comes (to pick N or A) I will make sure to make it VERY obvious, don't worry!