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Rook wasn't always Rook. I was going to give him a name at one point :D

But then I realised that it would be a great opportunity to leave his name blank so as people could headcanon it themselves. This allowed for more room for people to create characters with different backgrounds, cultures, and varieties.

Problem was, I still needed to give him a name.

So I decided a nickname would be best!

And Rook went through quite a few variations before settling on, well, Rook, hehe!

So I thought I'd show you one page of some ideas I had on the evolution of Rook's nickname!

I generally like to have character's names have meaning to them nowadays as I develop them. So the chess thing worked really well for this!

It actually ended up slotting into the narrative in a bigger way than I imagined...

Sorry for the bad handwriting! I always have to do planning, developing, etc on paper. My brain doesn't work digitally for that kind of thing! (I also keep EVERYTHING! I have so much archived stuff on Wayhaven, my poor files are falling apart, lol!)

Hope you enjoyed the peek into this! :)



Knox knox... who's there =v=

John Hayden

Bishop would have been cool too.