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So, Chapter 5 was once again my focus this week.

As much as I love what's in Chapter 5 and how I've written it...I will not be sorry to see the back of it, lol! It has been going on and on for so long now!

I mean, it is a MASSIVE chapter (just over 77,000 words), so it makes sense, but still :D

I also did end up adding that scene to it that I talked about in last week's update. I'm really glad I did, even if it meant the word count for that chapter is a bit ridiculous now (sorry to SpunkyCat who has to work through it all for edits!).

But one thing I am so proud of is my much cleaner coding this time around. I've learnt so much writing the last two books, this time around it's much ease to follow it all through as well make sure things lead into other scenes much better!

So yeah, it was editing and playtesting this week, as well as writing that chunk of scene extra for it.

But it's finally done! I will be sending it off to SpunkyCat next week for editing and to get her initial reactions to it :D She'll be the first to read the fall out of that M scene, hehe!

It was also an exciting week as the first Q&A video went up on YouTube! I seriously hope you guys enjoyed that!

Next week, I will be jumping back into Chapter 6 and be able to fully commit to it without Chapter 5 still hanging over my head.

I didn't get too much chance to work on Creek Edge this week as there was so much to do on Chapter 5, but it is a slow going project so I will always be adding to it when I can.

Also, throughout February, I will be posting Valentine's Scenario Specials for each of the love interests on Patreon! I'm very excited for those :D Think I'm going to go super romantic on those as I'm really feeling in a fluffy mood after re-reading some of the Chapter 5 scenes!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a little of a bold MC having fun with A :D


"It's much better." I sidle even closer until I'm nearly pressed against ${a_him}. "So, do you want to use that magic touch of yours in other ways?"

I almost topple a step back as a soft chuckle leaves ${a_him}. "Are you trying to distract from the fact you wounded yourself on mere paper?"

A smirk presses onto my lips. "And are you trying to distract me so you don't have to answer my question?"


This is a choice, so you don't have to go for this, but it's a fun bold choice...which seemed appropriate after the poll this week, hehe ;D

Hope you all have an incredible weekend, and I'll talk to you soon! <3



Loved the Q&amp;A by the way, got my mind whirling, as well as some of the others I chat about the game with! And 77,000 words for chapter 5? ...wow. That's quite a lot. I have to admire that, especially since you have so many different routes and paths and other smaller decisions from those paths and routes to take into account and try to keep everything straight is just mindblowing. Kudos, so much kudos to you.


Wow great work like always, i think i can speek for everyone by saying we really appreciate what you are doing. Thanks a lot for that world and character you created. I cant wait for those valentines specials and im also super eager to play book 3, but also dont forget to take care of yourself and take some breathers once in a while.


Thank you so much! It's a lot of variation and branches going into Book Three, which is why it's so much bigger. But that just means that, hopefully, everyone's individual playthroughs will be that much more personal to them!


Yess thats the best moments haha


So basically chapter 5 is the length of an average novel, you are a mad women... And we love you for it


I looovvveeeddd the YouTube video I had so much fun listening to you guys answer the questions. Can't wait for those valentines specials either😍

Thomas Fieldburn

Flirting with A...one of my favorite, angst filled pastimes.

Skippy Hugo

Definitely looking forward to reading what comes next


Oh I can’t wait to get my hands on chapter 5! And bold flirting with A is one of my favorite things ❤️ I can’t wait for more

Austin Teets

Its killing me!!!😭 Just give me book 3 already so i can reread all of them all again and suffer... just love me Adam!!!😭

Dr Fate

Paper airplanes gone wrong? 🤣