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So I thought I'd share a fun little unedited scene from if you choose to hang with M in Chapter 5!

It's from a choice, so you won't get this if you don't choose it :D But the other choices are just as impactful!


"You know, probably calling what they like 'shit' doesn't go a long way to making them happy," I comment with a chuckle.

$!{m_she} shrugs. "It's not like they know what I call it."

"We are literally in the same room, ${mason}. We can hear everything you mutter," ${nate} calls with ${n_his} back still to us as ${n_she} continues to chop berries.

$!{mason} rolls ${m_his} eyes. "All right, fine. It's a wonderful tradition that I cherish each goddamn moment of. Better?"

I can see ${nate}'s shoulders shake with silent laughter before ${n_she} replies, "It's a start."

A smile catches one corner of ${mason}'s lip as ${m_she} looks back to me with a roll of ${m_his} eyes.


Hope you enjoyed it! :D


Jordan Ellis

SO CUTE! i cant wait <3


QHALITY TIME IN CHAPTER 5?! I’m so excited! :D