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Busy week!

First half of the week I spent adding in beta tester edits, and getting the demo all up together. Now that's done, I can give definite release dates for the second demo of Book Three:

Early access on Patreon: Wednesday 2nd December

Public release: Saturday 5th December

I'm so eager and nervous for you guys to get to play it! :D

For the rest of the week, I finally got back to doing some proper writing for Chapter 5. I think I should be able to focus on just writing now until my Christmas break! Hoping to really hammer out a lot before then.

I seriously enjoyed writing F's scene. I mean, I enjoyed all of them, but F's gives not only a (slightly unexpected) insight into F, but it also answers something A LOT of people have been interested in about the rest of the team as well.

There's quite a few different scenes for chapter 5, and all of them involve split scenes to account for the love interests. But again, chapter 5 includes a scene that I know quite a few people have been very eager for! Looking forward to writing that moment and the LI reactions...hehehe ;D

I'll be taking a proper break this weekend to make sure and spend as much time with Bo as I can, but Monday it really will be finally back to just enjoying writing again! The writing is always my favourite, even though I know all the other stuff is necessary too! :D


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a bit of a choice where the MC can say it as it is to A, lol!

"I apologise. My own experiences often colour my thoughts on matters such as these," ${a_she} admits with a wave of ${a_his} hand. 

I drop my hands into my lap. "You mean you were trying to insert your opinion into my life?"

$!{a_she} laughs. Actually laughs. And the sound is so unexpected and so wonderful that it has my whole body erupting into shivers. "Yes. I suppose I was."


Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I'll talk to you next week! <3



Me casually reading the update expecting the Demo to come out in the middle of December: Sees it comes out the 2nd for Patreon: "... WHAT?!" I'm so excited- seeing the updates and your regular posts on Instagram about your progress and how hard you've been working- it's fantastic!!! I'm so excited to see the product of how hard you've been going at it! You deserve some rest and a nice break for December!


That being said I hope Dashingdon is prepared for us. Especially on Saturday lol

Skippy Hugo

Looking forward to seeing what's in store


So excited about the demo update! Can't wait to read it!


Demo next week?! What an amazing last week of uni classes treat! Also: an anticipated scene with LI reactions? Me thinks this is the Bobby/UB meeting we've all been desperate for since book 1!

Montana Jane

Omg I'm so excited! Is it coming out the 2nd of December in England time?


I've been looking forward to this so much! im so exciteddd!!!!

Damar Glover

I hope dashingdon realize that their website is probably going to crash again on Wednesday and most definitely on Saturday 😅 those are going to be glorious days 😂

Damar Glover

Also do we know what time it is coming out tomorrow for Pacific time


I’m wondering the same 👆🏻, I’ve religiously been checking my phone every hour 😂