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Globs of honey-coloured caramel drip slowly down the stick before settling in sticky droplets over Farah’s fingers.

She pouts at the sweet apple treat. “How are you supposed to eat it?”

I chuckle. “You just have to kind of…dive in.” To show what I mean, I bring the apple closer to my lips and take a bite. The sugary high hits me with a buzz. “It’s so good. You really want to take a bite.”

She shrugs, before following my motion, though I notice the slight hint of her canines growing as she moves in for the bite. 

Her face scrunches up, her nose wrinkling, and her eyes squeezing shut. 

I can’t help another soft laugh. “You don’t like it?”

“Just give me a minute,” she mutters before managing to force down the mouthful and shakes her head. “Jeez that’s sweet!”

“Oh yeah, but then that’s what this whole season is all about.” 

We begin to walk along the leaf-scattered trail of the park, a vibrant range of pumpkin oranges and flame reds bursting from the trees that line our way. There is a crispness to the air which has me tugging my scarf further around me as I take another mouthful.

“It’s pretty picturesque,” Farah agrees, staring about the autumnal-hued park with appreciation. Her apple remains untouched after that first bite. “And all this cold makes for great snuggling weather.” Her hand slips into mine, our fingers twining together, and I smile over at her.

“You didn’t seem to mind snuggling much in the heat of summer either,” I comment.

“That’s all on you,” she says, nodding in my direction. “If you weren’t so tempting, then I wouldn’t want to…snuggle all the time.”

“I see,” I say, my smile turning to a smirk at the suggestion in her words and the way her eyes glimmer in the light.

As we walk hand-in-hand down the path, she sucks in a deep breath and draws to a stop.

“I didn’t think I’d ever find this,” she says, eyes closed as she revels in the peacefulness of the scene.

I stare about the open space. “A park?”

She cracks an eye open at me, and I laugh.

“This. A perfect day with a perfect partner.” She draws in another lungful of crisp air. “I can’t even think of what life was like before you. I don’t want to think of it.” She turns to me, drawing me closer by our entwined hands.

Her finger is warm as it traces a line along my jaw. “Let’s never take this for granted, all right?”

I stare over her closely, my gaze falling over the soft features of her face and the warmth in her eyes. This is how I always dreamed of someone looking at me, but always thought would just be a fairy-tale…At times I’ve been so happy with her that I’ve actually wondered if it’s a dream.

Eventually I manage a nod.

The heat of her lips finds mine, the chill of the autumn air dissipating as the fire of her kiss flashes across my skin and fires longing inside of me.

I grip her coat, partly again to check this is real and partly with the need to deepen the kiss.

Our breaths mingle as we draw apart. She gazes at me…and then a grin starts to form on her lips.

“You know we’re gonna be covered in this caramel goop by the time we get back, right?” she says, the dripping caramel apple still gripped in one hand.

I chuckle and kiss her lightly again. “Then I guess we’ll just have to clean each other up, won’t we?”

A sudden eagerness enters our steps as we make our way home together.




*PTERODACTYL SCREECHING* I LOVE IT SO MUCH. MY WIFE 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 she never thought she’d find this 😭 ouch, shot me right in the heart....


I jumped with excitement seeing the notification for this! This might sound random, but honestly, there's something very pleasing in speaking the first sentence out loud - loved all the word choices 😄 they roll off the tongue so nicely. And of course Farah is just so sweet ☺️ I loved the tones of being able to enjoy and appreciate these small moments! 💕


Oh my heart...❤️


ooooooohhh this is so sweeet I love it 🥺💖


Sweeter than caramel apples! 🥺😭


Yasssss 🥰🥰 I freaking adored that so much, autumn is my favorite season wear I live the trees are starting to show there colors and reading this while drinking a cup of coffee is great way to start the day , thank you. :)

Michael Reddy

Just as amazing as expected. She’s just the best! 🥰


Gah, Farah just has a way of making you feel warm inside. Like the feeling of coming home after a long time.

Thomas Fieldburn

Farah may be my least favorite of the ro's but good grief is she like the perfect gf. Mishka why must you do this to me.


I don't know why, but the thought of Farah's canines growing is just too much for me... *heavy sigh*