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So, you know how like I have a plan and then I get writing a scene and then I'm like 'Oh hey, wouldn't it be cool to have this little bit on the end?' and then that little bit turns into a huge choice section with a bunch of variations?

Well, guess what...

Oh yeah :D

I was writing the first of the four split scenes, and it just all came together so naturally! I really like the added stuff, but man...it's taking longer than expected. The variations used in the scene takes into account 2 different variables, but I added another one in in chapter two for this particular thing so now I have to take three into account.

BUT it's worth it! It's so great to have these moments coming together to really make the choices even more personalised. Like, if you pick a choice it's exciting to now have it even more personalised within that choice to suit not only your MC's personality but also what they've done or talked about with others.

I just really love it!!

But it has meant I haven't done anything for Creek Edge this week as I've been really wanting to get as far into this as possible.

So yeah, bit of an unexpected week, but those can be the most exciting, hehe :D


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a bit of the friendships that are beginning to develop naturally. Love that the MC is really becoming part of the team now!


${nate} glances over at me with a nod of ${n_his} head towards them. I give a small shake of my head and then nod at them as well.

$!{n_she} gives a slight sigh before stepping closer. "We're so sorry to disturb you at this time, but…we need a few more details from you both."


Hope you all have the most amazing weekend and I'll talk to you next week! <3


(I'm still waiting for A LOT of replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 



We appreciate the effort you put into each choice to make the outcomes unique! The love you put into these books definitely shows and it’s always exciting to see the different variations when doing multiple playthroughs 🙂


as long as you don't get overwhelmed I'm always happy for more variations ❤ also love how N and MC can understand each other without talking lol


Sera.. I think you might have a variation addiction.




I love seeing your updates :D hope you're doing okay with all the excitement, and thank you for working so hard &lt;3 stay healthy


Oh wow! It honestly amazes me that you manage to create so much for us :D I hope you don't get too overwhelmed though ☺️ but how exciting, I bet you're super pleased - it's wonderful seeing how rewarding it is for you too. Oooo yes, I want all the friendship, those moments make me so happy and content too 🥰


Love and appreciate all the effort and dedication into making your work super personalized and special for us readers :D

sasa se

Thank you for all the work you have done for us! It makes us so happy that you put in so much thought into detail! but you have to take care not to burn out and take care of your healthy alright?

seraphinitegames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:20:56 Thank you &lt;3 I get so caught up sometimes 'cause I'm so excited, but I definitely will break when needed!
2020-08-10 08:40:37 Thank you <3 I get so caught up sometimes 'cause I'm so excited, but I definitely will break when needed!

Thank you <3 I get so caught up sometimes 'cause I'm so excited, but I definitely will break when needed!


I'm getting much better at marking things down so as I don't get overwhelmed with new additions :D


I'm definitely getting better at keeping notes on new variations to help from getting overwhelmed!

Montana Jane

Omg you have me SO HYPED! Actually cannot wait. I love how many variables you put in your games and how many choices there are and the characters... Arghhh! Okay it's 1am in Australia but I have to play Wayhaven chronicles again right now lol. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK AND DEDICATION!