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Just wanted to say a massive thank you to the influx of wonderful comments and messages you guys gave after my update!!

It was a tough weekend and to come back to read those, well, I cried, not gonna lie :D

Flint is doing MUCH better, and Jack (my nephew) is the most adorable baby I've ever seen!!

I know you did it out of the goodness of your hearts, but I wanted to give you guys something for it because I was honestly so overwhelmed with love:

'A palpable tension bristles from ${adam}.

"Oh…I think ${a_she}'s gonna blow," ${felix} whispers, to which the team leader lets out an almost inaudible growl. ${felix} snaps ${f_his} lips shut.'

Just a bit of a snippet, but I hope you enjoy it!

 Thank you SO much for all of your generosity and care you amazing and wonderful people <3 <3 <3 


Michael Reddy

I’m glad things are better ❤️

Katie Williams

You never owe us anything Sera - we love you! I'm so so glad things are better &lt;3


I'm glad you're doin much better Sera, but regardless, please take it easy, we don't want you to overburden yourself. &lt;3

Vanessa Mesquita

thank you so much! you're so kind! i'm happy that both little Flint and Jack are ok (:


I’m so glad to hear that Flint is doing better!! ❤️ And that Jack is doing well!


I'm glad Flint is doing better!! And I hope *you're* doing better too!


Glad to hear you’re doing better. Don’t think you owe us anything

Georgia Wastell

so glad to hear you're doing better! please give flint and the other ratties our love &lt;3


I’m happy to hear that you’re doing better.

Carolyn Williams

So glad Flint's doing well and congrats on being a cool aunt!


Aww, congrats! Sounds like you've got a sweet nephew. Glad your rattie is better too! I always worried when mine didn't feel well.

seraphinitegames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:20:56 Thank you so much! &lt;3
2020-08-05 09:53:54 Thank you so much! <3

Thank you so much! <3