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The base writing for chapter two is complete!!!

Had great fun writing it, especially as it brought in some characters I've seriously missed writing! As well as the start of the consequences of branches chosen in Book Two...

The always amazing spunkycatninja has chapter one for editing, and I'll be working on chapter two edits next week (I've already thought of something I might want to add in extra). After that, I'll start gathering up some testers in order to get it ready for releasing the first demo!

Curse of Creek Edge is still on hold but shouldn't be for much longer. I've got my office space more organised, as well as looking to set up my graphics tablet on a more permanent basis. That's just taken a bit longer than expected!

So yeah, short update but A LOT went on for chapter two, hehe!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a little comment from the mayor...


'The mayor examines me for a moment before a satisfied smile wrinkles his lips. "I'm glad to see you seem to be growing up with better manners than your father."'


This comment will obviously change depending on your personality and if it matches or doesn't match Rook's, also depends on the choices you picked in dialogue.

But yeah, the mayor always making friends...hehe :D

Hope you all have an amazing weekend, and I'll talk to you on Monday! <3



You're making such good progress, thank you for the update &lt;3


Better manners? Hmmm.... we'll see about that Mr. Mayor lol

Jessica O.

Mayor is gonna have to catch this hands if he wants to talk about my dad that way. Also thank you for the update as always ;-; my excitement is only building for the demo (~˘▾˘)~


Ooooooh! Congratulations on all the progress!! I can’t wait to see the demo lol! And ohhhhhhh. Mayor... thems fightin’ words &gt;:c


Just the word "demo" gets me excited :D


I have a feeling that I'll be punching the mayor in the mouth for that comment. Mishka... I need that option. LOL

Twilight Katana

"Better manners than your father"? Sir, have you seen your son that I adopted because you suck as a parent?


OH That comment has ticked me off &gt;:(


Bruh if he says that or anything like that to my detective then detective gonna throw hands I pray my detective gets that option cause I will take it in a heartbeat

Claudia Pieters

Ooooooohhh the mayor has got it coming! How dare he talk about manners. Especially with how he has been neglecting Douglas, pfft. I hope there'll be a snarky way to respond to him.


Right? You may be particularly pleased with one of the choices in response to the comment after reading this ;D