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I'm still on fire from my break, apparently :D

Got through editing Chapter One on Moday and Tuesday! Playing it as a whole chapter seriously spurred me on. It's been quite broken up as I've been writing as there was SO much variation and split scenes that I was worried it wouldn't flow. But playing it through, I am beyond happy with how it's come out!!

I also managed to catch a few annoying bugs, mostly to do with the love triangle friend subroutine (now fixed) and the way I had done some stuff with the pre-made characters (also now fixed!).

I'm going to get it up together properly today or over the weekend and then send it off to the wonderful spunkycatninja to be properly edited (as well as get her comments, which is the highlight of the process, hehe :D I'll ask if I can share some of them after she sends them through!).

But I also got started on Chapter Two. Well, not only started but powering through it! It's much lighter then Chapter One, but even so I have managed to get nearly all of the first scene done, which included three different split scenes in it, each with their own large choice set! 

Creek Edge is still on hold for the moment, but won't be for long. I'm currently in the middle of sorting out my office space. It had got so cramped with folders and notes that I was struggling to keep on top of the space for working! So it was time for an overhaul :D It's in my bedroom, so there's not much space to work with, but a new desk and some more storage will make the world of difference!

Once that's finished, I will have my graphics tablet set up all the time instead of having to get it out of the box, plug it all up, and set it up every time I want to work on it. So working on it will be much, much easier after that is done.

Also when I get back on my graphics tablet properly, I can finally get on with some exciting stuff for you guys on Patreon...

So, a seriously good week this week, and hopefully a really productive one next week too!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a bit of dialogue from a returning character.


"I quite enjoyed the ignorance," he replies without humour. "I'm not afraid of the dark, Detective. It hides the things we fear the most."


Things might be a bit tense for some Detectives...

Hope you all have an amazing weekend, and I'll talk to you on Monday! <3


(I'm still waiting for A LOT of replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 



Whooo!! Wonderful 💕 so glad that the break helped you; it's very important to get that self care in! As always I'm in awe of your productivity 😃 it's very inspiring. I hope your writing and happiness continues on! Godspeed for your upcoming writing, super excited to see it all come together - it'll be so rewarding 🥰

Vanessa Mesquita

I dont know, sounds like Verda, since he go away when you choose him to know the secret! D:

The Inecksplicable

*squints suspiciously* I smell a rat... A lab coat and squeaky shoe wearing rat

Twilight Katana

Oh boy... That returning character is Verda isn't it? I feel like he would be rather upset about learning about the supernatural since he came to Wayhaven to keep his family as safe from danger as he could.


....that snippet definitely makes me think of Verda if you let him find out about the supernatural. Oh dear, I am going to regret my choices, aren't I?


Oh man, it's Friday already. Are you excited for upcoming Wayhaven Week on tumblr? ;)


Man I really hope I get to pop a cap in Murphy lol

Jessica O.

Haha why do I get the feeling that Verda is saying thag


HmmMMMMmmm. I'm not ENTIRELY sure I like that either... (This is a lie. I am very excited! But also, I love Verda with all of my heart and I would kill everyone in this room and then myself if anything happens to him and his delightful family.)


Sounds like you're on fire! Just make sure to take some time to relax when you can! And Ohhh... Yeah, I'll willing to bet thats Verda and! I mean! He can't be THAT mad at us, he was the one poking into it we just... didn't stop him.


Great work as always~ *presents Friday pastry* Very happy to see break is still having an effect. Let's hope those good vibes continue as well. &lt;3 Luck with your Marie Kondo, Seraphinite edition office declutter. ;)


I’m so happy you had a great week. Your health is the most important thing, take care of yourself!!


Oohh, I'm with everyone else in assuming that sneak peek comes from Verda. He's the one my MC told the secret to, so I'm already craving the angst and tension. :D Love that he and Tina already had very different reactions based on their personalities and life (obvs the man with kids and a husband would factor that into how he feels). But I'm excited and happy to hear that the writing process has been going smoothly for you :D

seraphinitegames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:20:56 Thank you so much! &lt;3
2020-07-13 09:56:25 Thank you so much! <3

Thank you so much! <3


Verda and Tina's reactions were great fun to write! It's so awesome to be able to write these different variations based on the how those individual characters would react instead of just having to pick one of them! :D