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Wanted to share with you something a bit different. Something to show how the stats are adding a bit of flavour the scenes now instead of always having the MC say the same responses in 'general' scenes.


*if (bold >= 65)

"Are you blushing?" I tease with a smirk. "That's adorable."


*elseif (bold <= 35)

"You blushing is going to make me blush," I joke, rubbing a hand over my arm before meeting [redacted]'s gaze again.



"Do you know how adorable you are when you blush?" I joke, before meeting [redacted]'s gaze again.


Obviously I took out the rest of the scene in these moments as the particular LI reacts differently to each, but I hope it gives an impression of the way the game will hopefully be more personalised and reactive to the way you play, even in the general scenes befoer choices :D

Sometimes it's only small moments like this, but I think it can help really add depth to a personal playthrough for each person!



Teasing scenes! 🙌🏾 Honestly, it's the small moments that really add up with a game like this - not just the 'big' ones (and - oop! That felt like subtle Rebecca shade XD). Srsly tho: I Adore how fluid and intuitive you're making our collective detectives! Awesome seeing my babies in character, but still keep it fresh! <3


You're making me happier and happier that I decided to become a Patron.


I'm definitely hoping these will help the flow of the game feel more personalised! Not the MCs have real stats it's much easier to do this. Was difficult in Book One when people were just starting out with their characters. So weird to think back on Book One...hehehe :D