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Busy one again this week! Phew!

I managed to finish scene 3 already so I'm onto scene 4 for chapter one! This penultimate scene is a split scene for each LI, so it'll take a bit to write, but it will be easier as it's only the MC and the LI in the scene unlike the others.

But I also managed to find a perfect place to naturally fit in an option for changing the MC's hairstyle if wanted as well. I hadn't even planned it there, it was just like 'Oh wait, this is too good a place to ignore', hehe :D So hopefully that will help with those that want to change their MC's appearance after all that's happened and things.

One of the things that took so long for the other scene was finishing off a huge choice set. I had a some 'basic' choices but also very specific options to match each one of the personality stats. And then each of those needed to have variations to account for something earlier in the chapter, as well as your LI, etc. It took A LONG time but I really love it! So much more reactive to your particular MC and how you're playing them! I won't do this for each choice set, but I am hoping to bring it in more.

I did realise there was a major-ish thing I need to go back and add to some options in F's route at the beginning, but I will do that during editing. I skipped editing the scene I just finished for now as I really want to get chapter one finished. But I can edit 3, 4, and 5 together and then do a final big edit of the whole chapter. Which I would like to try and start at the end of next week.

Plan is to get chapter one finished by possibly Thursday, as long as it goes smoothly, then start the editing Thursday/Friday. 

Chapter one is coming in over 40,000 words so far, so it's much more involved than Book Two's chapter one which was about 14,000 words :D

For Creek Edge, I managed to get the shading finished for the bases. There are 5 different bases to choose from, as long as I can code them all in correctly! I want to do the expressions next and shade those, then it'll be clothing, and then the major task of the hair colouring.

I could have got more done on Creek Edge but my laptop and photoshop have apparently had a falling out, hehe.


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a little bit of F having fun teasing an intense MC and a BFF just-as-intense A, hehe :D


${felix} looks between me and ${adam}. "Even toning it down, maybe sending you two in together just amped up the intimidating factor that bit too much."

$!{adam} places ${a_his} hands on ${a_his} hips while staring at ${felix}.

"Just saying what we were all thinking," ${felix} defends.


Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I'll talk to you on Monday! <3


Jaime Ford

Ah F... my favorite little shit disturber.


From 14,000 to 40000 for chapter 1 that's quite a big increase! I can only imagine how much is going to grow with each new book o.o I send you all my cheers 🤗


Sera, you're like the Energizer Bunny, you just keep going and going lol! Hope you have a lovely weekend!


Just WoW! :o 40.000 already.


mishka how do you do it?! i write 2 emails and get exhausted, meanwhile you’re bashing out 40k words- are you a vampire? is the agency involved?? 😂 hope you get to have a proper relax at the weekend though ❤️

Vanessa Mesquita

I like the idea of changing the hairstyle, but you mean the size or the actual style, like french braids or ponytails?

Jessica O.

Chapter one alone could be its own book at this rate lol. Really excited to see it!

Silver Fair

Uh that was so interesting. I never played an intense MC, and now I'm wondering if I should :D


Yeah, I'm looking forward to where this book is going but will also have to be careful I don't get too excited so it doesn't take years and years to finish, lol!


Wayhaven gives me the energy, and sharing snippets with you guys always gets me buzzing at the end of the week, hehe! Hope you have a great one too &lt;3


Just the length. Hair style I will leave to headcanon as there really would be WAY too many styles to fit into a choice list, hehe :D


There are other variations for other personalities dotted about the choices and scene, so your MC will likely get called up on it too, hehe ;D


I imagine an intimidating MC matched with an intimidating A is just them doing a constant bad cop/bad cop routine :D I'm so curious as to what the scene was about! Is it too spoilery to ask if the scene F is commenting on was another friendship-building scene with A, or is it changed depending on your closest friend (aka: being "sent in" with M, for example?)

Jack McVian

Very nice of you to inform your readers of your progress this often! Makes the waiting less painful :p .