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What a week it's been :D

So I'm still reeling from the release of Book Two and still unbelievably happy/relieved at how many people seem to be enjoying it!!

But I was also seriously excited to get onto Book Three and jump back into the writing.

I've recently changed how I view my chapters for writing. It was getting quite overwhelming trying to work out how to get all the different branches, variations, and scenes into a chapter, but I read an article on improving writing where they suggested viewing scenes within chapters.

And boy, has that helped a lot! Just breaking down the chapter into scenes within it has helped my mind get on top of what is a lot to handle :D

For example, the first choice set in chapter one of Book Three totals 3,200 words, because each choice needs a seperate reaction depending on who you're with, as well as sometimes seperate reactions within those reactions if your MC chooses a response they don't normally.

So yeah, it's a lot, but the scene thing has really just helped with that. So chapter one breaks down into 5 scenes and I've finished the first one and all its variations and am now part way through scene 2.

But another great thing is my coding is SO much cleaner already! It's something I was seriously working on in the time between Book Two and Three, and I'm so proud of the difference already :D

Hopefully that will also help things stay cleaner and more focused as I write.

Not much work on Creek Edge this week, but I will be getting back to that for sure next week. Really want to get this MC sprite done, so need to stop procrastinating by doing backgrounds and go back to that, hehe!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share the setting of Book Three's opening...


At the Borders of Wayhaven, in the Depths of the Forest


Should make for a fun opening, hehe ;D

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and I'll talk to you next week! <3


Dawn Dean

Oh, I love hearing about how the actual process works for you!! I keep mental notes as you've inspired me to start writing again.🥰 Who knows? Maybe a game too!


I’m glad you finding ways to help smooth out the process! And we’re spending time in the forest, eh? I’m sure it’s going to be very calm and relaxing lol


I have to say I'm especially hyped for TCoCE! I know it's not your main focus and it's going to be a long ride until it's done but, hey, I've been here since before Book 1 so waiting is definitely something I can do lmao (especially when the results always deliver!). Anyway, going to Book 3 now, I guess it's time for my regular "omg I seriously admire your productivity and dedication" comment because, again, I'm shook! Also, on the viewing things as chapters with scenes vs scenes withing chapters... I've studied writing for different media (novel, script and videogames) and I've always been getting this similar advice too. After sketching the macro-structure of your work, seeing things on a "scene-level" seems to be a good way to not lose track but also no getting too overwhelmed. I can only imagine how big branches and scenes might become in the future!!!


Once again, I'm Blown (as in *Away*) from not only your Process/Effort -- but from Cray Amount of DETAIL you put into these characters and interactions. B2 already started to catch little idiosyncrasies on my detectives that truly fleshed them out - and had me in awe. But to see things like reactions within reactions and different responses if your MC does something out of character...BLOWN. You are SO GOOD at what you Do! And I Really Appreciate it, cuz I *Bet* it's crazy to keep up with! Glad to see 'scene focus' is helping - personally always written like that. Scenes like puzzle pieces in my head that need to be put in their correct places. *proceeds to imagine all the things that could go down in the Depths of the Forest~* HYPE. Have a great weekend as well, hun! &lt;3

Jessica O.

Into the woods and of of the woods and home before dark!... Seriously though, loved book 2 and already super excited for book 3! Thank you for all the time and effort you’ve put into these in making them amazing!


O.M.G. That's practically the whole plot. You might as well just spill the whole thing now. ;)


I can't believe I hadn't come across the advice before because, as you say, it seems to be everywhere! :D So glad I've found it now, though. Will make a huge different to being able to organise and write the chapters! (I'm also intensely excited for Creek Edge! It'll be such a different thing to do but in the same world, so really cool :D)


Oh yeah, that's a perfect way of thinking of it like puzzle pieces! It works so well, right? Wish I had thought of it for Book Two, lol :D


It DOES!...until you have to do those little details between the pieces. lol Uggh - I just wanna get to SCENE! But then I think big picture and how those little deets really enhance SCENE - and I get over myself. XD And what - Nah. B2 was Amaze - shut-up lol

Carolyn Williams

Don't mind my MC! Just making flower crowns in a forest for her boo XD

Héloïse Dotigny

MC is picking mushrooms (poisonous or not depending their science stats) in the forest! I knew it! (BTW I wanted to thank you for your input, and your updates on your writing both here and on Instagram, it helped me a lot as well, for my own humble writings!)


Huhuhuhu! :D sounds good! :3


Book 2 just came out and I'm alreayd SOO excited for book 3!! Also everything spooky happens in the woods so this is going to be fun!

Silver Fair (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:21:21 Awww, I'm still in the middle of my readings... (missing adam and the LT, cause they are my favorite!!!) but the beginning of book 3 sounds... OMNIOUS? On your Tumblr I remember an ask about describing villains... and you called Book 3 GREEDY. So I'm guessing we meet HER (no spoilers, but Falk mentions her ;) ) and those trappers? AHHH I cannot wait. Now I'm going back to my book 2! &lt;3
2020-05-17 06:22:06 Awww, I'm still in the middle of my readings... (missing adam and the LT, cause they are my favorite!!!) but the beginning of book 3 sounds... OMNIOUS? On your Tumblr I remember an ask about describing villains... and you called Book 3 GREEDY. So I'm guessing we meet HER (no spoilers, but Falk mentions her ;) ) and those trappers? AHHH I cannot wait. Now I'm going back to my book 2! <3

Awww, I'm still in the middle of my readings... (missing adam and the LT, cause they are my favorite!!!) but the beginning of book 3 sounds... OMNIOUS? On your Tumblr I remember an ask about describing villains... and you called Book 3 GREEDY. So I'm guessing we meet HER (no spoilers, but Falk mentions her ;) ) and those trappers? AHHH I cannot wait. Now I'm going back to my book 2! <3


Book 2 was so good! Nate really stole my heart and I can't wait to find out more about his backstory.


Aah, I'm so glad you enjoy the updates! I always enjoy getting to share my progress with you guys :)


Truly! I love his route so much I can't bring myself to romance anyone but him, despite how great the other boys are :D You've done such a great job!