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Two months have passed since the bloody showdown with Murphy. Wayhaven has returned to its peaceful routine, and you’ve returned to your less-than-thrilling job as detective. But with your new role as human liaison to The Agency—an organization that governs the supernatural—things should be far from dull.

Along with the job comes Unit Bravo, the team you are learning to live with on a more permanent basis. And with one of them comes the continuation of feelings that were just beginning to be explored…

But an altogether different presence is rolling into Wayhaven, cloaked in striped tents, blazing lights, and clouds of cotton candy.

Immerse yourself in Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Two, a 788,000-word continuation of your supernatural story, where you can grow the romance you began, meet old and new characters, decide how to handle the new situations you’re thrown into, and experience the thrill of the outcomes of those decisions—as well as what they may bring in the future!

  • Play as female, male, or non-binary; play as straight, gay, or bisexual.
  • Continue your unique and lasting romance with one of the four vampires of Unit Bravo.
  • Build on your character by deciding key factors in their development.
  • Grow and define friendships and relationships from Book One, as well as those introduced in Book Two.
  • Will you gain a new ally, make peace, or turn against the new supernatural situation that has arisen?
  • Enjoy the freedom of a playstyle which suits you, whether through personality, stats, or choices.
  • Immerse yourself in a world rich with characters, story, lore, and—most importantly—fun!

The Carnival has arrived. Prepare for the ride. 


The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Two is out for you to play! You can find it at the links below:

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1233950/Wayhaven_Chronicles_Book_Two/

Google Apps Omnibus: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.hostedgames.omnibus&referrer=utm_medium%3Dweb%26utm_source%3Dwayhaven2Games

App Store Omnibus: https://hostedgames.app.link/YkCwM6nRaM/?game=wayhaven2 

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B086VPH1MW/ref=mas_dl?ie=UTF8&tag=choofgam-20

Choice of Games: https://www.choiceofgames.com/user-contributed/wayhaven-chronicles-1/

 (If these links don't work for some reason, you can also find them through Choice of Games site: https://www.choiceofgames.com/category/user-made-games/


I truly, truly hope you enjoy it! <3



Congratulations Sera!! Just finished my first playthrough with A 🥰 Thank you so much for all your hard work. It was everything I could have hoped for and more💘

Georgia Wastell

i stayed up until 1am to buy it! and then stayed up until 6am playing M's route... i loved it so much!


OMG Sera, its amazing. I bought it when I woke up, then had to go to work, but finished M's route in my breaks. Now I have to play it again. But WOW - everyone else knows how M feels except themselves (and MC) lol! Its AMAZING, I can't wait to replay this for everyone (except the love triangle, I just can't do that route). But...book 3 when?? :D

Twilight Katana

I woke up to this wonderful news this morning and I have been going through Nate's route and I just finished it and OMG I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS MAN ALL OVER AGAIN!!! Also, whenever the opportunity showed up to be the first to make a move in N's route, I picked those choices simply because I felt that my MC would do so out of spite because how dare this incredibly attractive tree of a man be so suave! Time to make the first move and sweep him off his feet!

Georgia Young

Omg ok so I’ve read it through 4 times now and is there some kind of attraction I can sense from Falk towards the detective if you’re nice to him or?? 👀 Because the flirty things he says are great!!


Who needs sleep when you have NAT?! Sera, by all the gods do you have any idea how this game makes me feel? I've never been so immersed in writing before where I could feel how a character was looking at someone and NAT, holy hell someone get me a fan I am combusting over here! And the friend scenes with the others were so amazing as well! Getting to be part of the team is grade a wholesomeness. The cliffhanger was perfect and oh so frustrating at the same time like aaaaaaahhhhh but in all the good ways. I love your writing and these characters you've created and this universe and is it time for book three yet? Also please insert that amazing meme of pacha here from emperors new groove 👌. All the love to you ALL OF IT


Aah, I'm so happy you're enjoy it. M was so much fun to write in Book Two because of those moments! :D


Aaahhh!! I can't tell you how happy this message makes me! To know it immersed you and brought out emotions for you is honestly the best compliment you can give an author! Thank you so much &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3


First of, congratulations on the release of Book Two, Sera! :D I just finished my first playthrough of the M route, and it was so well done. &lt;3 I was actually surprised how involved it already felt, considering we are talking about M here, but it was such a joy to play it and learn more about them. I also really liked that we got to spend more time with characters like Elidor, and spending more time and bonding with the team was awesome, too! I even got some nice comments from A that I totally didn't expect, so we are slowly getting somewhere. :p Now I'm just sad that Book Three is still so many months away, but I can now spend a lot of time to try all the different routes in this game. The reactivity to my Detective's decisions felt much improved compared to Book One and it must have been so much work to keep track of all the different branches, but THANK YOU for adding this because it makes the book so much more enjoyable! I hope this book will be very successful, and I cannot wait to get my hands on Book Three one day! :D


I'm glad the reactivity was better! I learned so much from Book One (and am still learning) and want to add all those individual elements in!


Congatulations! I just finished Adam's route, I loved it! It's still snowing here, but that's ok as long as I can distract myself with this amazing book &lt;3 Can't wait to try the other routes :D


I've played this game seven times now, still cant get enough, this was amazing! congrats on the release!


Omg I love it so much, I just finish mason route and I’m about to start Adam route.

Alisha Houghton

Hello Hello! I just joined but I've been doing nothing I mean absolutely nothing but play book 2 since it's release. Holy hell wow. I've done all the routes but Mason will always be my favourite. Love him! And love you for making these books you're the bestest.


God i love your work. Im totally hooked on these books, cant wait for book 3. I played all the LI with unit bravo even the love triamgle and i cant wait to see if you cam end up with both or be forced to chose. Anyway lovee it so much keep up the great work!!


Thats ok i was mostly curious about that option, but its not my main route its the last one i did. Still really nicely written though.