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The living room is a buzz of tension and worry, so much so that Mason can feel it pulsating against his skin. And not in a fun way.

Turning away from the others, he starts to pace around the room, very much like a caged wild cat. 

“If all you can offer is walking, then do something useful,” Agent [Surname] snaps. “Go and let my child know what the Agency technicians learned from the lab results.”

Mason tilts his head to look at the bedroom door…and bites at his lower lip. “Gladly.”

He doesn’t bother to knock before entering.

The Detective, who also seemed to be knotted with tension, swings around to face him. "There's a door for a reason, you know,” they exclaim. "And something called knocking."

The protest only fires Mason’s resolve further as he saunters a step further inside. "And what would you be hiding that I would ever care about?"

"Well…I could have been getting undressed!" Their hands fly into the air, annoyance staining each word in a rather enticing way that pulls a smirk from Mason.

His eyes slink over the Detective, taking in each inch with the same focus as staring at a masterpiece in an art gallery. It’s the slow, purposeful focus someone so tempting needs. 

"In which case, I'd have been damn glad not to have knocked,” he retorts.

They offer a roll of their eyes in return. "Is there something you need?"

"Agent [Surname] wanted you to know that the guys at the lab might be able to find out what Murphy wants from those slides found at the hospital." He states the words but the intent of them is not his concern, only who stands in front of him and just what distraction they might be willing to offer. "We could use that time for other things…."

"Excuse me?" Their lips purse and Mason has to rub at his throat just to avoid storming over there to see what they taste like.

To expel from of the want, he flops down into a nearby chair, more than happy to be surrounded by the scent of the Detective that now surrounds him. "I mean, Agent [Surname]'s gonna be a while. So, you wanna take me up on that offer?"

There’s a small moment of quiet as the Detective mulls over the offer. One that Mason hopes is too difficult to resist. He tries to make it more enticing by spreading his legs and parting his lips.

"You really think I'm going to make it that easy for you?" they finally reply, gliding forward to stand confidently between Mason’s legs.

He tries to contain the growl that wants to leave him at the Detective’s move. They certainly know how to play the game…A game they’ll both win at.

Desire, fuelled by the encouraging flames of the Detective, radiates through him in a way Mason’s not felt before. It’s a need. A hunger. But one he’s not sure can be satiated so easily with one night.

He can only hope the Detective is up for the challenge.

"I'm all for playing, Detective," he murmurs, barely able to make a full sentence with the heat that roils through him at their closeness. But it’s not close enough.

Reaching out, he slides his hands around the back of their thighs, the touch spurring that want even deeper until Mason has to yank them forward just to calm it. "But if we're going do this, let's do it, yeah?"

Mason can feel the Detective’s response through his body, through his fingertips, through every nerve ending…and he’s both surprised and uncertain to find the want for them is not anywhere near as intense as it is for Mason.

An occurrence that’s never happened to him before.

A sudden chime echoes through the apartment, and Mason quickly withdraws his hands, sliding a smirk into place to cover the strange sensation.

Thankfully, the odd thought passes by the time he’s stood.

"Maybe next time," he whispers, hoping the thoughts will be as distracting to them as they are to him.


Mason's PoV during this scene, and a little insight into how he was feeling…

(Choice chosen by a randomiser, and 'they/them' pronouns to make it easier).

Hope you enjoyed it! :D



“But one he’s not sure can be satiated so easily with one night.” HES COMING BACK FOR SECONDS ONCE LADIES MWUAHAHAHAHA

Silver Fair

Love Mason's POV. I mean, i always love all POV. I find them SUPER intriguing, no matter the characters.