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Blimey, what a week! It was a seriously full one :D

I steamed ahead on Book Three planning and am seriously so eager and excited to start getting writing in April! I managed to figure out which scenes go in the final plans, but a lot of the scenes left will either go for other books or become Unseen Scenes here on Patreon!

Planning had to be put on hold for a couple of days though as I got the copyedit version back from Hosted Games. I spent a couple of days just focusing on that, adding in any edits, testing, and checking through other edits to ensure Book Two stays on vision.

So I sent that back yesterday and that's pretty much completely my side of things done now (as far as I'm aware, anyway, lol)!

For Creek Edge, I'm still on the MC sprite customisation. I knew this would be seriously heavy part of this game to work on, but I hope it will be worth it! I'd show a WIP but they look a bit freaky at the moment with just half faces and no detail, hehe! Should have something to show next week.

I'm still working on thinking how to code it all in so it runs smoothly. I think it might have to be a couple of pages of character customisation and not just all on one screen. There's just too much to fit on one screen, at least for my somewhat limited coding skills. I'll ask my readers what they think of it though, in case it's just too much or feels overwhelming.

So yeah, I'm super pumped for getting into the starts of Book Three writing soon and get some proper movement on the sprite for Creek Edge!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share something a little more spoilery for those on Bobby's route.

For those who want to remain completely unspoiled, don't ready below!!


The gap between us is barely a hair's breath now as ${bob_she} leans even closer again.

*if (sarcastic >= 65)

"Wow, so when you said personal, you meant super personal," I quip.

$!{bob_she} grips the collar of my coat, which I haven't even had a chance to take off, and yanks me forward. "As personal as we can get."


There are other comments depending on personality at that point, hehe! ;D

Hope you enjoyed it and that you have a wonderful, safe weekend! <3



Ohh... Interesting... One of my Detectives have Bobby's route... Hngh.... We will only have a couple of weeks to go!!! I can't wait!!


Ok but like am I the only one who really wants to know more about Bobby? I really find him interesting.


You may not get this scene depending on the option you chose with Bobby, so it'll be interesting to see what your MCs pick... :D


I cant even imagine how much work the character customisation is , you're too good to us Sera ♡ also djskjsd I'm weak against characters like bobby (cocky assholes) so it's a win for me lol


You're such a tease!!! Hngh... Getting very hype right now!


Bobby being slimy as usual... Can’t wait to play through with their route and experience all the tension! :D

Silver Fair

Love Bobby! I mean hate the character, but love the idea of how the LI will react to him as an ex.. especially M and A :D


It is a lot of work but will be so great if it helps more with immersion! And glad to Bobby has some fans, hehe ;D


If you are playing A's route and want a fun moment, I highly recommend letting the group know that Bobby is your ex when you get the chance...just for A's reaction... ;D


I can't wait for my detective just to make the biggest scene at Bobby's expense she'd start yelling harassment and for security so he'd leave her alone. I have no doubt she finds his persistence repulsive at this stage, especially considering she has such a wonderful vampire she has her eye on ;)

Silver Fair

A is my favorite route after the LT... can't wait to play it! I can hardly wait 5 more weeks!!!

Luca San

I’m super excited! With everything going on and stuck at home I can’t wait to read book 2 AHHH so excited 😆 this is gonna keep me entertained through everything haha. I kept replaying book 1 and played book 2 demo with everyone’s route haha 😂

Carolyn Williams

Danggit, Bobby, I'm trying to save myself for Adam!


I have A and M as my favorite routes. Thanks for the tip Sera!


Ohhh! Knowing the copyediting is (almost?) done is super exciting! And... Bobby... Dang.

Mariza Fernandez

Not that personal! Begone! Lol I love Bobby though as a sleazy side character.