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Hey guys! I know, it's Thursday so what is an update doing today? Hehe :D

My internet has decided to pretty much die, and it's gonna take about a week to get fixed (hoping that's a large overestimation...) so I wanted to jump on while I could to get this update in and let you all know I've not just disappeared!

I won't be around possibly until end of next week because of this, so there won't be any asks, Instagram, and I won't be able to respond to messages or Patreon comments like usual. I'll make sure to hop on some borrowed internet to try and do Patreon rewards though! The Valentine's scenarios are also already scheduled, so they'll go up as planned.

So that's...fun, lol. But I'll still be working on Wayhaven and Curse of Creek Edge in the mean time!

I actually got a ton done this week and got to expanding a chapter I am very excited about. Oh man, I wish I could give a hint, but storywise it made my heart clench...It's gonna be good ;D

I've also been trying to look at the amount of split scenes and chapter versions I've got and get a bit more sensible about those. Even with intense planning, I was getting a bit carried away and know it would be a bit too much. They're still in there, I just need to bring them together better so as I don't get burnt out before finishing!

So yeah, that's another tip for anyone looking to do interactive fiction: Have fun with branching (that's the point and awesomeness of interactive fiction, after all!) but also be honest about your limits. It's better to have scenes of great quality than just quantity where you sacrifice that quality.

But yeah, I think have 2 versions of Chapter 8, 9, and 10, lol, as well as huge differences in chapters later. Like I said, I'm keeping them, I just need to be aware and try to rein that in a bit...

So I will talk to you guys (hopefully) some time towards the end of next week! Sorry for the radio silence in the mean time...


For Update+ this week, I thought I would share a possible line from Book Three...

“The last time I let myself enjoy something…well, you know what happened.”

The way this is said isn't exactly right for the character saying it, but it's my quick notes version as I plan :D I tend to work it into the right phrasing in my next expansion of the planning stage.

Have a fantastic week! <3



Why does that update+ scream of A 😂

Sue A.

Oof, sorry to hear about your internet going kaput, that's never fun D: super intrigued about the heart-clenching scene/chapter though!

Brittany B.

Oh no! Hope your internet troubles are fixed quickly!


Stupid internet. Hopefully it’ll be fixed soon!


Internet troubles. It's just awful but I'm sure everything will be fixed soon.