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Hey guys!

So it's been another great week. Feeling a bit more calm about how things are progressing now as I've managed to catch up some on planning for Book Three. I also came up with a couple of cool extra scenes that I'm very excited about, hehe ;D

There were a few things that Hosted Games asked me to do on Book Two as well, which I obviously prioritised so as not to hold up Book Two release. It's still months away, but it's good to know things are moving ahead with that!

I've also been working on another thing, which as I hinted last week, I will be able to share a bit more about soon... (You guys on Patreon will get first hints at that!)

So yeah, a real good week of getting back on top of things and starting to see Book Three come together, as well as mop up on Book Two for Hosted Games!

And in some VERY exciting personal news...I'm gonna be an aunt!!!

That's the first pic of my niece or nephew!!!

So happy for my sister and her husband, and obviously very excited to be an aunty :D


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a scene that I sent to Hosted Games to be used as a possible screenshot for Book Two:


"A good thought," Ava replies. "Though a supernatural's country of origin can mean little nowadays. Many races came through the portal from the Echo World millennia ago and have spread far and wide since then." She eyes me over the top of her book. "Not all vampires are Transylvanian, after all."


#Smile wide. "So you're a Dracula fan?"

#Wink. "I always like a vampire with a little bite to them."

#Bark out a surprised laugh. "So you do know how to make a joke."

#Chuckle. "I wouldn't have pegged you as having read Dracula."

#Grimace. "Ugh, Dracula was never my favourite."


Hope you all have an amazing weekend, and I'll talk to you soon! :)



Not going to lie, my first thought was, SERA IS PREGNANT????!!!! 🤣🤣 Congratulations on your aunty-nancy?? 🤣

Dana Kleinjan

I love that scene with A, especially since my detective's middle name is Mina from Dracula lol. Congrats on becoming an aunt!


CONGRATS!!! Will you be spoiling the child to be the most favorite aunt, as I do?


Congratulations to your sister and to you!! I'm sure that kiddo is going to be showered with lots of love! ❤ And awww, Ava, thats a really cute interaction!


Congratulations Sera! We're all so happy for you and your sister :D


Congratulations to you and your sister!!!! So happy for you 💖💖💖


I can't wait for you guys to actually play it so I can properly talk to you about these scenes, hehe!


Make sure to also be the kinda aunt that sneaks sweets to the child when parents tell em no 😆


me too!! i’ve just found out i’m going to be an auntie as well! 💕 i’ve barely even processed it yet


Awww! Congrats to your sister and her husband. And you! I love being an aunt. According to my sister, I'm my nephew's "favorite person in the world". Not gonna lie. It's pretty awesome!

Moonshadow_N7 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:23:18 OMG, congratulations to your sister and her husband! I hope the pregnancy will go well, and that your family can welcome a healthy little one soon! :D And gaaah, that scene! I cannot wait to play Book Two! All the new snarky comments that my detective will be able to make.... <3
2020-02-02 08:41:33 OMG, congratulations to your sister and her husband! I hope the pregnancy will go well, and that your family can welcome a healthy little one soon! :D And gaaah, that scene! I cannot wait to play Book Two! All the new snarky comments that my detective will be able to make.... <3

OMG, congratulations to your sister and her husband! I hope the pregnancy will go well, and that your family can welcome a healthy little one soon! :D And gaaah, that scene! I cannot wait to play Book Two! All the new snarky comments that my detective will be able to make.... <3