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Happy New Year, guys! I hope it was a bright and happy start for you all :)

So I am back from break today and although I got some great rest in I am SUPER keen to get back to it!

I had some exciting ideas over break for Book Three (I swear I was resting my brain as much as possible, but it's hard to turn off thinking about it, hehe!), which I'm going to be looking at adding into the loose plan I have already for the book. One particularly is going to be a big switch around to what I very originally planned for the series, but so much more...intense.

This time around got Book Three I'm really going to plan hard! Things are starting to get complicated with the scope and amount of branches and options opened up in Book Two, so I need to ensure I have all those accounted for as well as the other branches that will come up as a result of those.

My plan is to spend January and February planning to the very last detail, then get starting writing in March. And if Book Two releases in May, then that should mean I should be able to release the Book Three demo not long after its release! (I'll hold off a couple of months on releasing it even if it's ready, just to give people time to properly enjoy Book Two before that though).

I also have some great plans for Patreon this year! I sat down and worked out some of what I wanna do and I'm really excited! Some of the writing prompts I found are gonna make for some awesome bonus content this year ;D

Book Three is feeling as though it's gonna be quite massive, lol. But I'm hoping the better and more detailed planning, as well as some practice I've done with better coding, will help to keep the writing process pretty smooth!

Can't wait to jump back into it all and get cracking. My creative juices are pouring!! 

Here we go again! :D


Michael Reddy

Longer the better 🤗🤗🤗


All exciting news! Glad you had a good rest and looking forward to see it all come together!


Hope you had a grand holiday!


Ohhhhh girl, I like the sound of all this! I'm sure you are going to totally rock this, girl!


Welcome back and hope you had a great holiday! :D I’ve been literally counting the months until book 2’s release so seeing that the demo for book 3 might be coming out soon after is amazing! Super exciting for the new year

Sue A.

Sooo excited to see everything that's coming this year! (Also, intense? Intense is good :D)


Its the complexity that might get a bit out of control hehe :D But all worth it for more personalised playthroughs!


Thank you! <3 Hope you had a wonderful one too! I'm hoping with Book Two being released later that the time between 2 and 3 won't feel as long as I'll already be a good way into it...hopefully, hehe :D


Welcome back! I hope you had a lovely holiday and you found time to actually relax with UB and Book 3 on the mind lol!

Wren (edited)

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2023-01-16 04:23:18 Counting down the days until Book Two! >< Hope your holidays were lovely (and that your mom is doing well!)
2020-01-04 18:33:21 Counting down the days until Book Two! >< Hope your holidays were lovely (and that your mom is doing well!)

Counting down the days until Book Two! >< Hope your holidays were lovely (and that your mom is doing well!)

Moonshadow_N7 (edited)

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2023-01-16 04:23:18 Happy New Year, Sera! :D It seems 2020 will be an exciting year for TWC, and I cannot wait to be here for it all. All the best! &lt;3
2020-01-06 07:22:03 Happy New Year, Sera! :D It seems 2020 will be an exciting year for TWC, and I cannot wait to be here for it all. All the best! <3

Happy New Year, Sera! :D It seems 2020 will be an exciting year for TWC, and I cannot wait to be here for it all. All the best! <3


It was wonderful, thank you! Hope you had an amazing one too &lt;3 Was super relaxing but that time certainly gave Book Three a chance to start really forming too, hehe!

seraphinitegames (edited)

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2023-01-16 04:23:18 I am so counting down the days too! Can't wait to talk to you guys about Book Two finally, hehe! And thank you, the holidays were great and my mum is doing amazing. Hope you had a wonderful one too &lt;3
2020-01-06 09:02:57 I am so counting down the days too! Can't wait to talk to you guys about Book Two finally, hehe! And thank you, the holidays were great and my mum is doing amazing. Hope you had a wonderful one too <3

I am so counting down the days too! Can't wait to talk to you guys about Book Two finally, hehe! And thank you, the holidays were great and my mum is doing amazing. Hope you had a wonderful one too <3