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“They’re chock-a-block with snow,” Nadia comments, leaning out of the store doorway to stare up at the sky.

White clouds so billowing and fluffy they look like they were drawn by a five-year old create a thick canopy above us.

I fear she may be right.

“Then I’m getting home before it starts. See you later,” I say stepping out to brave the bitter chill as Nadia nods. She shivers, shuts the door, and heads back into her cosy store.

I turn my collar up around my neck as I continue on. 

Only to almost collide with a familiar figure.

Nat smiles at me, eyes glimmering with a warmth that seems impossible considering the weather. “Good evening, Detective.”

“Well, this is a nice surprise,” I say with a smile. “How did you find me?”

“Tina was most helpful when I popped into the station,” she replies before a thoughtful frown creases her brow. “Considering your position within this town, I thought she might have been more concerned about handing out your location details, but she instead seemed quite keen on me finding you.”

I only just about bite back the comment, ‘I bet’.

“But now I have found you, may I join you?” she asks.

I nod. “Of course.”

And so, we head off across The Square, wandering down the cobblestone streets and watching as the stores begin to shut up and cosy up for the cold night ahead.

“Seems the snow Farah has been anxious for will finally hit,” Nat says, flexing her un-gloved fingers and blowing out a breath.

“I was hoping to get home before it did.” 

She looks over at me with a tilt of her head. “You don’t like the snow?”

“It’s pretty enough, but not exactly great when you have to walk through it all the way home,” I reply with a light laugh. “What about you?”

“I love most kinds of weather,” she admits.

Her reply stirs a smile on my lips. “Is there anything you’re not so positive about?” 

“Probably more things than I would care to admit. But the weather is something we can do nothing about, so it’s better to find the positive in it than moan about how it simply is,” she says. 

My gaze falls to her hands, her fingers red from the chill. “You probably could have done something to help in this situation.”

She holds up her hands, and then a smile forms on her expression. “There is still something we could do about that, if you are willing?”

She holds a hand out towards me, and a pulse of cheer warms me at the gesture.

With barely a moment’s hesitation, I take her hand and even the chill of her fingers can’t ruin the moment.

As we walk hand-in-hand, a snowflake sparkles against the darkening night sky, but both of us are too preoccupied with each other to even notice.




:') 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


I could think of a few ways to warm up Nats hands. (Sorrynotsorry) lol I love sweet N moments! Thanks for all your gifts this month, I hope you're having a good vacation!