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Another busy week and time is just flying by!!

Worked on the Book Three plans again, which are coming along well. I'm trying out a different way of planning this time that I hope will help ease the writing process. 

Picked up so many things I can improve on during both the planning and writing process as I've been writing One and Two! :D

Also continued on with Echolian. There's a couple of specific phrases and terms I was thinking of bringing into Book Three so wanted to get those definitely sorted now, even if I don't end up using them.

I've also started on some exciting stuff for Patreon in December! I love winter and Christmas, so want to make sure that's a fun-filled month for you guys! Also my time to say thank you <3

So yeah, a busy week of taking on the first steps of Book Three! 


For Update+ this week, I thought I would share some Echolian terms that I've worked up but probably won't be in Book Three, though might...hehe!

V'hodelis (pronounced vo-del-iss) = An endearment that means 'beat of my heart'.

Shra'cho (pronounced shra-cho) = A mild insult that means sort 'dirt, not worth my time'.

Chup'hel (pronounced Shup-el) = A courtesy of formal appreciation, so 'Thank you'.

Ch'wel (pronounced Shwell) = The informal version of Thank you, so basically 'Thanks'.

Hope you enjoyed it! :D

Have a fabulous weekend and I'll talk to you all on Monday! :)


(I'm still waiting for A LOT of replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 



Watch me yelling across the room "V'hodelis!!!" Every time I see Felix


I will die when the time comes and F calls us V'hodelis :')

Dawn Dean

V'hodelis is such a perfect pet name!


I love language things so this was super!

Silver Fair

So exciting you're creating your won language. Makes me think of Tolkien and Elvish :)


Oh blimey, it's not gonna be anywhere near as intricate as that. The Elivish languages are so beautiful but complicated! But I really hope to create something accessible and flowing! :)


Sera... I will be very sad if "V'hodelis" does not make it into the F route somehow.

Logan Sullivan

It's interesting you're making your own language. Kinda like James Cameron's Avatar and the made up Na'vi language lol

It's not a moon!

Omg I’m such a sucker for conlangs, love this!! Can’t wait to find out more about Echolian ❤️


Sort of, yeah! It's not going to be a major thing that gets used in major parts. But I definitely wanted something so as it can pop up now and then :D