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Answers will be posted later! Have fun :D


Dana Kleinjan

1. Silver 2. Janet Greenland? I think? 3. Adam 4. Solomon 5.fae?


Silver, Janet something, Nate, Soloman, ....I don't remember...


1. Brown? 2. Og Murphy 3. Nat/Nate 3. :D 4. Some kind of time fae


1. Silver/Grey 2. Janet Greenland 3. Almost certain it's Ava/Adam 4. Solomon 5. Grrr I know she's a Fae of a specific name, I know if I tried to find it in the book that would just be cheating so this is all my hands on knowledge lol im hopeful to see if I'm right!


1) Silver! 2) Janet Greenland 3) N! 4) Soloman (I hope I spelled that right) 5) And... hmmm... I don’t remember? Some kind of elemental Fae, I think?


1. Silver 2. Janet Greenland 3. Nate 4. Solomon 5. Ishigaq (I've played it waaaaayy too many times)


1. Silver! 2. Janet Greenland (unless you mean chronologically in the book, in which case we see him attack the original Murphy first) 3. Nate/Nat 4. Solomon 5. Ishigaq! I remember that one because I did some googling about them after I met her since I'd never heard of them :)


1. Silver 2. Janet Greenland or the original Murphy 3. Nate/Nat! 4. Solomon 5. Ishigaq (hope that's spelled right!)