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As everyone seemed to enjoy the game yesterday (and I enjoyed reading all the guesses, hehe!), I thought I'd post another for today!

Answer will be posted later! Have fun ;D



I'm actually thinking N on this one!


I'm actually thinking N on this one!


I think A because they always call you "detective" <3

Dana Kleinjan

It seems like an A quote, but i feel like it could be Verda? Ive played alot of As route and i dont remember that line


Honestly A or M jump at me, going to go with my gut and say M

Tyrandial Agacia

I want to say it would be A, but at the same time I could absolutely see A trying to tell the detective what to do...just to keep them safe, of course 😂

Robbert Michel

I think it’s M. They’re not the controlling type. A would be the other one, but she’s too much the commander I’m afraid. A will tell you what to do.

Katherine Riemer

I think it’s M. But I suppose it could be A as well.


I'd say that it's something A would say. Plus, given what I remember of the options in the game, it would seem likely.