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So a little bit different than the 'Would You Rather?'. 'Who Said This?' is a game where you guys have to remember who said the pictured quote, or in the case of Patreon (as you guys are getting small quote sneak peeks of Book Two!) you need to guess, hehe ;D

I'll post up the answer later today! Have fun guessing—can't wait to see what you guys think!

(Quotes can be from all characters, not just love interests, just to make it that little more difficult, er, I mean fun...hehehe!)


Robbert Michel

N, possibly F. F did mention that it was too easy to relax around the Detective.


for sure N/F ! A/M seems far fetched atm but it's always nice to dream 😅


I am going to guess N. It’s something I think both N and F would say but the way it’s said makes me think of N!

Abagail Cook

I feel like F. N though

Abagail Cook

Close one! But I'm going to go with F! (I accidentally pressed enter too early so sorry for the weird comment lol)


I think N!


My infatuated heart hopes it's F, this is a lot of fun and I'm so happy to see more sneak peaks of Book Two!


Could it be the MC talking to his/her mom. They have a relationship that revolves around the mom not being around often because of work.


I think F