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Hi everyone.

Unfortunately there won't be a proper update today. Earlier this week, my mum suffered from a stroke and had to be hospitalised. We have been in hospital with her as she's had to stay in, but she seems to be recovering well, but my full focus has been on her.

The party should still be going ahead, as we're hoping she will be home today and able to sit with us all and still have a good time tomorrow. (She was very excited for it and we're hoping to make it a part Welcome Home party too!)

I will make up for lack of update this week next week at some point. Also to those who I'm late delivering rewards and messages to on Patreon, that will be be sorted asap next week when things are more settled.

Thank you for your understanding during this time. Hope you're all doing well <3


Afroditi Nikou

I hope your mom has a quick recovery. No need to apologize for anything. Lots of love to you both ❤️❤️

Abagail Cook

Don't apologise! I really hope your mother gets better! ❤


Please don't worry about updates, your mom's recovery is the most important thing right now. I wish her and your family all the best. .&lt;3

Katie Williams

Never a need to apologise for taking care of family! Hope mama-Sera recovers soon! &lt;3


Don't worry about updates - life and family are always more important! I'm glad to hear she is doing well, and I wish your mom a speedy recovery! &lt;3


Please please please take however long you need. Family first. P.s. I am willing to fight anyone who pressures you about TWC no question.


Never feel like you need to apologise to us for not being able to post! You do more than any other writer and we are all grateful for that. Take all the time you need there are much more important things in life and your family is one of those. Wishing your mum and your family an easy recovery x


No need to worry at all about the updates! Definitely family first. Best wishes to your mom and I hope she has a speedy recovery.

Mina Murray

Family is always priority. Wishing your mum a speedy recovery.


Its a little late but I hope your mom is doing better! I know that had to been a scare for you so take what ever time with her you need. Everyone understanda.