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My word, it feels like forever ago since I posted my last set of monthly goals, hehe :D

For September, my goal was to get Chapter 18 finished and Chapter 19 started. Well, as we're all aware by my rather excited announcements and mountains of mini updates, I smashed that goal out of the park, lol!

This month's goals are slightly different. With the base writing being finished, and this week going really well with my own edits and things, I have been able to make more of a schedule that I think I can definitely stick to.

So the plan for this month:

5th - 11th Oct: Editing, Rewrites, Playtesting.

9th/10th Oct: Choose beta-testers and email.

12th - 25th Oct: Beta testing! And also my own playtesting/edits at the same time, as well as creating graphics and all the necessary stuff ready for submission.

26th - 28th Oct: Adjusting any final edits from the beta-testing.

29th Oct: Submit The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Two to Hosted Games.

So yeah, less goals and more of a plan :D

This plan may have to shift if things take longer or don't go as smoothly, etc. But for the time being, this is the ideal plan of action for the month!

This is really the final stretch now!


For Update+ this week, I'd like to share a fun moment because those are always some of my favourites to write :D

$!{nate} leans all the way down to Cara with a soft smile. "Nothing is ever gone if you remember it here." $!{n_she} points to where the small girl's heart is.

Her lips twists into confusion, wiping a hand down her pretty red cardigan. "In my buttons?"

$!{mason} cracks with a snort of laughter, to which ${nate} frowns at ${m_him}.


Hope you all have an incredible weekend, and I'll talk to you on Monday! :)


(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 



Yaaaaay!! I hope everything goes along smoothly for you and you can get the game submitted this month!! Its so exciting!!


That looks like a super tight schedule, but I'm so hyped you plan to hand in the book by the end of the month!!! Best of luck, and fingers crossed! :D Also N and M were priceless. xD


You got this!


It must be so exciting to put 'submit to Hosted Games' on your schedule! Still a lot of work between now and then, but we're all rooting for you! And I never thought I'd use 'adorable' for any scene involving M, but here we are :D

Sue A.

So excited for you!! And that Cara moment is so sweet :D although part of me wonders what might've prompted N to say that to her in the first place...


So exciting to be on this leg of the journey now. Congratulations on beating out all those goals you set for yourself so you could get to this point.


Hoping that everything goes well but whatever happens, I'm sure all of us will wait for it patiently.

Paulius Sereika

If i may ask, when are you planning on releasing book 2? Also congrats on reaching your set goals, wish you all the luck in the future! To be honest i didn't even know that you were writing a second book, cant wait for it.

Silver Fair

Goodluck with these final steps. Cheering for you :D

Tyrandial Agacia

As of now she has put out a call for Beta Testers. She has laid out a timeline to, hopefully, have everything ironed out to submit to Hosted Games by the end of the month. From there, I’ve seen estimates of it taking around 3 months or so to be released, but that part will depend on where her submission is in the queue for games to be released.


I have no control over release, unfortuantely. Once I've submitted to Hosted Games, it goes into their queue and I'm waiting for release with you guys at that point! :D