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Two out of three versions for Chapter 18 are complete!

I'm so on a roll, and these simpler scenes certainly help with ploughing through the writing :D 

I'm really enjoying these scenes though. The interaction in it feels different but so nice after everything that's happened so far...



*Battle Horn*

Afroditi Nikou

I've never been this excited in my life, you are so close to the end...

Abagail Cook

\(≧▽≦)/ That is seriously wonderful! Makes me motivated to have your worth ethic! Episode 8 here I come!


Oh wow! That's awesome! xx


holy cow!! incredible work! :D


Sera what the actual HECK


Are you freaking serious right now? You are flying through this chapter!


o_0 holy cow!

Silver Fair

amazing! Love these mini-updates! Always brighten my day <3


I don’t think you’ll need to worry about reaching your goal for the month at this rate!


Is it an option to hibernate until the second book releases? This wait is so worth it but if timetravel was a thing I swear I would jump just for your games! (I hope this doesn't sound like I'm trying to rush you I'm just so excited and invested and time can't go by fast enough, I need that NAT SMOOCH!)