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Amazing week this week! As you guys may have seen, I'd hoped to finish Chapter 17 by the end of this week but ended up finishing it on Wednesday! Which meant I actually started writing Chapter 18 on Thursday! Woohoo!!

Getting to the penultimate chapter feels like a huge leap forward.

There's actually 3 different versions of Chapter 18, though. But they are really quite straight forward with no major branching in each version, mostly just dialogue and skill choices. So writing them should be easier, if still time consuming.

But I'm hoping to finish all 3 beginning sections today, as well as the common scene they all have over the weekend, and then next week start on the 3 different ends to that chapter.

And I totally forgot to do a monthly round-up last week! 

So my August goal was to finish Chapter 16 and possibly start 17, and I aced that one :D

I think we can probably all guess what my wishful goal is for this month...but I'm not 100% sure I can get all the writing finished, as much as I am working hard to get there.

So as a more reachable goal for September, I am hoping to get 18 finished, and the start of 19 begun.

Chapter 19 is the epilogue type chapter, so there's a lot of different scenes, split scenes, etc to wrap everything up. It's another biggie to write.

But yeah, I'm so close now I can taste it, hehe :D


For Update+ this week, I thought I would share just a small hint of M's romance development:

"I'm glad you could make it, $!{name}," Rebecca announces while offering me a small smile of welcome. "Now we can begin the meeting."

"Hey," ${mason} calls, kicking out a chair from the table in front of where ${m_she}'s perched against a small filing cabinet.

I move to take the seat. "Thanks."


This may not seem like much, but for M it's quite a thing, hehe :D

Hope you all have a brilliant weekend, and I'll talk to you next week! :)


(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 



Also congrats on Acing past your goals! You're a champ! 🎉👏🏽

Silver Fair

The snipped of Mason's romance made me smile so much! So excited you're almos done... but also nervous! Because... because then it's up to Choice of Games, and I'm afraid they'll take foreverrrr!!! :(


Yeah, it's out of my hands once I submit it :/ But I'll be crossing my fingers just hard with all you guys that it goes through quickly and smoothly!


I'm imagining F just dying watching M kick out a chair for the detective. I'm super excited to see get to play M (and the other's) routes! And congrats on the chapters and goals! You're doing amazing!


Not much?? M pulled out a chair for the MC! Near them! M wants them close by! That is extremely swoon-able right there!! Congratulations on all the progress!! I can’t believe you’re getting so close to the end! You better be taking time to give yourself some rest! Take important rat pet breaks


Oh man, I already adore this moment with M and its completely out of context. Thanks for working so hard and giving us weekly content to live off of til its finally release. Your dedication is appreciated. ♡


Break from the internet? That is crazy person talk.


Considering that in the last book, M could barely be bothered to hold a branch back for the MC, pulling a chair out for them feels HUGE :D I hope the last chapters go smoothly and you have fun with them!


oh em gee, girl. you are on fire.




CONGRATULATIONS! :D You should be super proud of yourself, because you are working so hard to reach these goals. I love every M snippet you post (basically every snippet because they are all wonderful, but M especially ;)) and I so. Cannot. WAIT! :D Best of luck with your September goals, all fingers are crossed!


Thank you so much! It's really motivating reaching goals, even more so as I come towards the end! :D

Lourdes Ramos

I am honestly super excited. You're been blowing through your goals for a while now which you should most definitely be proud about!