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So July was quite the month!

My goal for July was to finish Chapter 12, finish Chapter 13, and get started on Chapter 14.

Well, I zoomed past that goal, hehe! :D This month I completed all of that as well as Chapter 14 and 15, and made a start on Chapter 16!

We really are getting into the home stretch now. Chapter 16 and 17 are massive but they are the kind of big crescendo before the ends of Chapter 18, with Chapter 19 being the epilogue (which I am very excited about as some big and fun moments in that!).

Chapter 16 is super well planned, so I'm hoping writing will go smoothly even with all the variations and choices and split scenes. Yet, I still actually have to write it even if it's well planned, lol. 

So for this month's goal I am looking at completing Chapter 16 and possibly starting Chapter 17. That may not seem much after last month's, but with these ending chapters I need to get them right with all the branching and the immense amount of writing there is for that.

It's getting so exciting now I'm edging towards that ending or, well, endings depending on choices, lol! 


For Update+ this week, I thought I would share a little snippet of some fun I've had with a snarky/sarcastic MC (again, lol) even in those moments when you really know you should hold that snark in:

'I guess the meeting has started. And I get the feeling every move and word I make will have some kind of impression here.

CHOICE: #"Interesting decor you have here. Love how you turned the leaky walls into a feature."


Hehe :D

Hope you all have an incredible weekend, and I'll talk to you all next week! :)

(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, or a message on Patreon from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 



Thank you for all of your hard work, Mishka! You've really been flying through these chapters lately. I can't wait to play Book 2!


God, this kind of choice makes playing a stoic MC *very* difficult 🤣


MC: I have to be very tactful about what I say.. Also MC: *instantly roasts everyone*

Michael Reddy

I really can’t wait for this to come out

Silver Fair

Yay for the final chapters! I never got to know an important fact... did you keep the UA flirting idea or is not an option? *___* Curriosity!


Aaargh knowing that we keep getting closer and closer to completion makes it so hard to be patient !!


I am equal parts awed, proud, inspired, and envious at the progress you're making! :D I hope the momentum continues and these big chapters go smoothly for you


I'm getting more excited the closer to the end too, hehe! :D


Me either, hehe! Can't wait to finally get to talk to you guys about the stuff that's gonna happen! :D


Aah, thank you so much! I'm hoping it goes smoothly too. Getting so excited for you guys to find out what's to come!! :D

Felicia Gouw

I replayed book 1 and the demo recently, and I have to say that I like sarcastic MC the most. Mainly because they ruffle A's feathers the most, lol. Here is an interesting nugget I found on the demo: in solo romance route, N seems more careful and mindful about their growing feelings towards MC, while in the Love Tri route, they seem more open and ready to pursue a full romance. The opposite is true of A. I don't know if this was intended, or if this will change as the demo only covers the beginnings, but it was a difference that makes replaying really enjoyable. I can see myself replaying the game over and over just to trigger different scenes and reactions from UB. Godspeed with book 2!


Thank you so much! The romances for A and N will definitely vary and progress differently in the LT compared to their single routes!

Felicia Gouw

YESSS! I need that! :"D I can imagine, because Love Tri basically pits them against each other to some degree, and that big factor of having a rival will obviously impact their feelings and relationship with MC compared to if they were to go solo. Kudos to you!!!