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 Word Prompts:

- Trust

- Myth

- Lonely


“Ah no,” Felix calls with a wave of his hand in front of his wrinkled nose. “That’s a total myth.”

I heave out a sigh. “Seriously? Is there anything true about vampires?”

“Sure. We’re sexy and pack a mean bite.” He grins to show off the pointed tips of his sharp fangs.

I roll my eyes but give a chuckle.

Footsteps at the door have us both glancing towards it. Ava makes to pass by without looking before something seems to catch her interest. She peers into the room and the soft-eyed gaze she lays on me has my heart making a heavy thud in my chest.

My lips part, whether to call to her or just to try and catch my breath I’m not sure.

Ava frowns.

Then marches away.

A hand rests softly on my arm making me flinch out of my thoughts.

“Must be lonely for you two to keep pining away for each other like that,” Felix comments with a sympathetic smile.

“What?” I shake my head. “I don’t know what you’re on about. I’m not…” My words wither beneath his stare, both of us knowing each word I speak is an utter lie.

His fingers wrap around mine and squeeze them. “Give it time. What Ava feels for you isn’t something she can bury forever. Trust me.”

I sag under the statement, not daring to hope to think they might be true.


Hope you guys enjoy it! <3



Oh my goodness. This is amazing! I love every Ava romance scene you write.

Blake Robertson

"I really... care about her Felix."


F: One day my ship will sail!

Robbert Michel

Funny thing... I haven’t played the bi option, so I have no idea which is the normal M/F combo... Ava and Felix, or Adam and Farah...


Oof! Lol F calling everyone out... I love it.