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Word Prompts:

- Trust

- Myth

- Lonely


“Ah no,” Farah calls with a wave of her hand in front of her wrinkled nose. “That’s a total myth.”

I heave out a sigh. “Seriously? Is there anything true about vampires?”

“Sure. We’re sexy and pack a mean bite.” She grins to show off the pointed tips of her sharp fangs.

I roll my eyes but give a chuckle.

Footsteps at the door have us both glancing towards it. Adam makes to pass by without looking before something seems to catch his interest. He peers into the room and the soft-eyed gaze he lays on me has my heart making a heavy thud in my chest.

My lips part, whether to call to him or just to try and catch my breath I’m not sure.

Adam frowns.

Then marches away.

A hand rests softly on my arm making me flinch out of my thoughts.

“Must be lonely for you two to keep pining away for each other like that,” Farah comments with a sympathetic smile.

“What?” I shake my head. “I don’t know what you’re on about. I’m not…” My words wither beneath her stare, both of us knowing each word I speak is an utter lie.

Her fingers wrap around mine and squeeze them. “Give it time. What Adam feels for you isn’t something he can bury forever. Trust me.”

I sag under the statement, not daring to hope to think they might be true.


Hope you guys enjoy it! <3



Aww lonely indeed, its the ones we love that can hurt us the most Dx thanks for this it's lovely


Oh my.. :')

Silver Fair

Lovely piece. It just made me realize that one thing: will we have the option to be honest with our feelings with Adam, or our detective default will be hiding it too? (in A route).


I love how much F ships it XD


You don't have to be upfront about it, but it's one of those romances where both parties are very aware of the feelings happening there :D

Eliott Ross

F ships it as much as I do. I just need these two pining idiots to just HUG already, just something to break this tension. My Goodness.

Cat B

I love this, but also, the pining and just, ADAM! ahh! Okay, I love it! Farah is the bestest best friend.


I just want to HUG THE LIFE OUT OF HIM.


I JUST WANT TO LOVE HIM OH MY GOD!!! ADAM MY LOVE PLS!!! Farah is such a good friend and wing women!!! I love her energy and I especially adore the close friendship her and the detective have bc it gives me LIFE ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥