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Chapter 14 is finished, onto Chapter 15!

And just two words about Chapter 15: Unit Alpha.


Michael Reddy

Thanks to you every time I read another hosted games/choice of, I can’t help but think “well these characters aren’t nearly as well developed as the ones in wayhaven” lol


OMG YES!!! you've ruined all other hosted games/cogs stories for me because yours is the one i look forward to the most!! keep up the absolutely amazing work xoxo


Those are some very exciting words! Well, exciting for everyone but A

Lourdes Ramos

Literal GASP! I Why are you so good to us?!


Aah, I'm so happy you're enjoying it o much! Can't wait to get Book 2 out for you guys to find out what's coming next :D


Aah, that's so kind of you to say! Characters are what I love to write, so knowing they feel well-developed is such a huge boost <3

Silver Fair

YAY! Did you decide on letting the MC flirt with a UA member on certain routes or not? :)


*excitement intensifies* This is so great. Can't wait to meet Unit Alpha :D



Felicia Gouw

Woah, will there be new LIs?


No, just Unit Bravo for the main series. Writing 5 love interest routes is already quite the task, hehe :D But Unit Alpha are a group I may wanna do something with in the future ;)


I'm still umming and ahhing over it. I'll probably make the decision when I come to the actual scene (which I should be doing today!)

Felicia Gouw

Lol, I can imagine the stress I'd be under if I had to go thru what you're going thru. I personally prefer the LIs to be limited to the current team too since it just starts getting deep :* By the way, if I want to post a lengthy review of the first book, where should I do it? By lengthy, I mean, really really lengthy...

Natasha Foster

Oh my gosh - just the idea of books similar to The Wayhaven Chronicles - but with werewolves - is enough to kill me! 💓💓💓 lol