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Here's Farah's version of the Unseen Scene from last time as the extra monthly bonus for staying at the goal! <3

Hope you enjoy it :)

(I used 'they' as a pronoun for the Detective as it's neutral, so you can imagine whatever gender your MC actually is or NB)


At the Facility. Nearing Midnight.


Farah lets out a long sigh as she scuffs her heels against the bare concrete floor of the hallway. She’s surprised she hasn’t worn a path into it from the way she’s been pacing the length of it for hours now. 

Agents pass by without taking much note of her. Not something that unusual, but it is rare for Farah not to at least not attempt a smile or wave any way. But with the Detective laid out in a hospital bed only a few hallways down…it’s difficult to conjure even a small amount of enthusiasm.

With another huff of breath, Farah turns on the spot, and begins marching away towards the medical wing.


At this time of night, she figures she’ll be the only one there and she doesn’t have to mention she went to see [Name].

But someone is there.

Swinging around the corner, Farah draws to a quick stop before almost barrelling into Rebecca.

She barely seems to notice.

Her hands wring together in front of her, her brown eyes dulled but focused through the window that creates a screen into the medical room, her whole body is sagging as though it may collapse to the floor at any moment.

Farah frowns. “Jeez, what happened to you?”

Rebecca flinches at the sudden outburst. “Oh, Farah. Nothing’s happened.” She looks back through the window.

Farah almost does the same, when a tug in her chest stops her. Memories of how battered the Detective had been has her hesitant to look at them now.

“You been here long?”

“Since they brought them in,” Rebecca replies.

She purses her lips. “That was ages ago.”

“I’m aware.”

“Maybe you should, I dunno, get some rest? You’re not gonna be much use to the Agency in this state.”

“I don’t care to be of use to them when my child is in this condition,” she snaps.

Farah arches a brow at the statement. She never thought she’d ever hear her say something like that. As far as she was aware, the Agency was her life.

But now, as she’s realising with herself, there are other concerns outside Agency life that are becoming far, far more important.

Now she looks to the Detective.