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(I'm hoping to do a question everyday throughout June, but may have to skip some days, sorry! But I'll do as many as I can because there were some awesome asks :D But any not answered this time around will go on to be added to questions when the next character q&a comes up!)

Question for Nate: “You seem to not approve of Mason very much. What is it about him that gets on your nerves?”


Nate scoffs, leaning back in his seat while extending a hand. “I’m sorry, but have you met the man?” He then sighs as though in regret of the comment. “He’s just very—”

“He’s like a walking bag of anger and lust,” Farah interrupts from one side.

Nate looks as though he’s about to disagree before giving a shrug. “Not very elegantly put, but yes, that’s accurate. I do love him like a brother, but I worry what his mentality will do to him eventually. He doesn’t try to be the person I know he really is. And the fact he doesn’t care to show how great a person he can be is what irks me most, I suppose.”


Silver Fair

Cannot wait to see how Nate will react when M starts being his best self when in love with the MC (assuming he will :P )


N: Just be yourself. M: ... N: You know, compliment them. Be nice. M: ...So...Do you want me to be nice? Or be myself?...I can't do both.