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The first version of Chapter 11 is completed!!!

Oh man, I was rocketing through writing this week, hehe :D

All of the writing for the first version is finished. It'll still need editing and going through another draft, but I'll do that when I've completed all of Chapter 11. It also now includes an important big branch after the LI scenes for the two different versions are done...which I totally forgot about, lol!

It's actually a branch I've been pretty excited to put in since I got to Book Two. I also finally was able to write a scene for the Love Triangle route that I planned out about five years ago!! 

Seriously so exciting to be able to take these ideas from so long ago and finally bring them to life through the story!

So yeah, a super great week where I already met my monthly goal :D


For Update+ this week, I have a little snippet from A's route with a bit of a different feel. I've been having SO much fun with the scenes, even the LI scenes have some real fun and downtime feel kinda moments to them (although some bits in N's route...blimey...*fans self*). 

But I've also enjoyed some more serious moments, where the vampires get to show a little deeper who they are.


"But it wasn't enough," I snap. "People died. People that should have been saved."

"You cannot carry the weight of the dead on your shoulders." $!{a_she} shifts in ${a_his} seat. "It will grow until you can no longer breathe beneath the strain of it."

"Speaking from experience?"


If people are finding the snippets each week too spoilery, please do say! I don't want to ruin anyone's experience, and I can happily find something else for Update+ each week.

To be fair, I'm getting on for 400,000 words already on Book Two, so the snippets aren't too spoilery, especially as the above one is a choice response so you'll get something entirely different if you choose something else :D

But please do say, and I can totally change it up so as you can experience Book Two unspoiled!!

Hope everyone has an amazing weekend! It's another bank holiday here in the UK on Monday, so I'll talk to you all on Tuesday :)


(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email or message on Patreon from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages as soon as I finish work on Tuesday!) 



Since we know there will be snippets included in the weekly updates, it's easy enough to just not read once you hit the italicized section. That said, I do love that between the demo and what you post here, it seems like however well the MC gets along with UB and Rebecca they will still have the option to be Not Pleased with how the Murphy situation was handled. I really enjoy that bit of continuity.


That's true. I'll make sure to always keep the snippets at the bottom for anyone who wants to avoid them!


The snippets are great! I wake up every Friday morning excited for them honestly. They’re great for helping with the wait but also making me even more excited 😅

Silver Fair

So excited for the Love triangle scene! I don't mind the snippets, they're very little and get us excited :D So far it was never anything major! :D

Caitlyn H

I personally an not a person who gets mad when I come across spoilers, generally I am more upset that someones work was leaked when they didnt want it to be. Spoilers don't really effect my enjoyment of the product as a whole. That being said if the snippets were major plot points I could see there being an issue but I find those little snippets help keep me engaged and excited through the production process.


Building excitement was what I was hoping for rather than spoiling anything, so this is really good to hear! :D


Aah, I'm glad to hear this! I'll definitely be keeping them to little tidbits rather than anything major! :)


Too spoiling? I'm happy with any snippets because I need all the Wayhaven I can get! That's just me though. Glad you were rolling through writing this week, yknow with the internet issues and cuties (rats) distracting you. Thank you for the update and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. ☺️


Please... never stop the snippets. They’re cool to see and when it the game does game out it’s cool to see where they pop up!


Snippets are life. :'D


For me, your snippets are not too spoiler-y. I love the snippets so far and seeing glimpses make the wait more bearable. :D


Not spoilery at all imo, because of the lack of context. On the contrary, it's making me so much more curious about what's going to happen!


Ah, this is a relief! I do love sharing the snippets, so it's nice to know people are enjoying them too!


I hope people will enjoy recognising when they pop up and seeing how they fit into the story in context, hehe :D


Def not too many spoilers here. It makes the arrival of your final product that much more enticing!! Super excited to see what you've got in store 😍