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Chosen Word Prompts

- Puddles

- Butterflies

- Free


There’s something about the way nature smells after a rainfall. 

It’s impossible to ignore.

Coming to a standstill in the middle of the forest trail, I inhale a deep breath of the moist air and enjoy the fresh scent that swaddles me. It fills my lungs and draws a smile on my lips.

“What you doing?” 

I snap my eyes open at the question to look at Felix, who is staring at me with a confused brow raised.

“Enjoying the air,” I reply.

He glances around. “Yeah, it’s pretty nice.”

I chuckle. “So glad you approve.”

“I’m just saying if you want to enjoy real wilderness, you’d be better off in the Echo world.” He shrugs, as though the comment is nothing more than flippant.

“You…” I hesitate before pushing forward with the next question. “You don’t talk about your home much.”

“Because it’s not my home,” he replies, then shuffles a step closer to slide an arm around me. “My home is wherever you are.”

I want to roll my eyes at the cheesy comment, but my heart skips a beat at the sweetness of the sentiment instead.

“You know we’re supposed to be patrolling right?” I say as we step off together, side by side, through the dense trees. Rain drops dribble from newly leafed bushes and splash into the puddles beneath them as we go.

He tugs me a little closer. “Oh yeah, because I’m getting really worried about those butterflies.” He gives a mock frown. “Suspicious little buggers.”

I let out a laugh and the butterflies flutter away in a dance of wings and colour.

He turns to stand in my path, both arms now moving to slide around me in a loose hug. “Let’s enjoy this while we can.”

“We’ve spent all morning together,” I say, though my resolve is cracking under his focused gaze. “A little work won’t kill us.”

“Oh, to be free from the bonds of work,” he cries with no small amount of melodrama. “Fine, fine. But at least give me something to bolster my resolve before I go.” He slides his tongue over his top lip and my attention snaps to it.

A longing of my own flames inside of me.

“I suppose that might help us both,” I reply, meeting his gaze and offering a smile.

He nods, giving a grin, before leaning in until the scent of dew-soaked nature around me is overpowered by Felix’s bright, tangy one. And I realise I much prefer his.


Hope you enjoyed it! :)
