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What a month!

I completely smashed my monthly goals! :D

My goals for February were to complete N and F's versions of Chapter 7. Not only did I do that, but I'm about 45% done on M's too!!!

I am on a serious roll, hehe!

As is probably obvious, my monthly goal for March is to complete Chapter 7. That means finishing M's route, the love triangle route, and the friend route.

I'm feeling really positive I can do it, and to be honest, I am keen to get it done. I love Chapter 7, but it's been a serious biggie, and I'm excited to move onto the rest that's to come!!

Unfortunately, my ergonomic keyboard decided to die on me, so I'm having to use the laptop for a while until I can replace it. That slows me down a little as I get hand cramp from RSI easier on a normal keyboard, lol (if you type a lot, please invest in a good ergonomic keyboard! It makes such a HUGE difference, trust me :D)!

Shouldn't take long to replace it though, so that's only a minor hiccup for now.


For Update+ this week, I thought I would share a little snippet of one of the Monthly Bonus Contents for March:

"There are worse places to be trapped Felix comments, glancing about the dingy cell. Water dribbles down the mould on the walls, plopping in droplets into puddles that fester over the cracked floor.

"What?" Mason growls.

Felix shifts in his bonds. "Add a bit of paint, some furniture, and it wouldn't be so bad." His focus flicks to the barred windows. "Oh, and a way out, of course."


The scene is titled, 'That Time Rebecca Saved Unit Bravo', hehe ;D

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, and I'll talk to you on Monday! :)

 (I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email or message on Patreon from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet and tech, but I'll send out rewards/messages as soon as I finish work on Monday!)  


Blake Robertson

I wish Patreon allowed gifs, so I can express my excitement whenever you post something new, because I'm running out of things to say!!! I'm so excited for more!!! Love ya!!!


I'm super hyped for this Rebecca scene!


It seems I became patron in a really good time :D super excited for this scene!