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Was a super busy few days back this week, but I had to get some writing in as I was too excited to wait, lol!

Chapter 7 is well underway. I'm really enjoying writing the start but before we even hit the Carnival, hehe :D

This year, I'm also gonna try something a little different. I want to set myself monthly goals, which I'll add to my first progress report of the month on a Friday. They'll be achievable goals, but just something to give me focus and help me see where I'm going!

For January, my goal is to finish Adam/Ava's version of Chapter 7.

So yeah, not too much to report this week other than I've begun Chapter 7 and I'm so keen to get further into!


For Update+ this week, I'd thought I'd post this little bit of coding as a tease:

*if apartment = "minimal"

"Are you all ready?" she asks...


The apartment choice will come into play for a short bit, just to add some personal touches to the scene I'm writing!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and I'll talk to you on Monday! :)



Ohh... A's version first so exciting!


Damn that chapter 7 must be HUGE! Can't wait Sera :D btw say hi to your 3 bby boys I saw the picture you posted and they are ADORABLE

Blake Robertson

Hi Sera, welcome back!! So excited for what you have in store for us


Yeah, it's pretty big, but it's gonna be sooo awesome :D (And I will definitely say hi to them for you, hehe! I can't stop kissing their heads 'cause they're just so cute!!!)


Yeah, for some reason I always end up writing the love interest scenes in the same order: A, N, F, M, LT and then friend, lol :D

Afroditi Nikou

So excited about this! I wish I could fast forward time to the day of the full release. Also, your new baby pets are truly adorable!


Oh I’m so excited! And I’m glad the apartment gets to come up again! Gonna blind Mason with the bright apartment before their carnival date


wooooo. Just donated and DAMN it feels good to be a patron. Good work Seraphanite (Sera)! Not much can be said other than you're doing great. Your commitment is unrivaled and your willingness to set deadlines and give progress reports are encouraging to those who read your stories. Keep it up!


I love all the continued customization you add into the story. All the little touches really make it so personal.


I donated $10 and no email has been sent about portraits yet, are those automatically sent by a bot or how does that work? Cause it's been 2 days. Maybe I'm impatient. Who knows.


No, they're not automatically sent and I have to send them out personally. I'll be doing messages and rewards now, so keep an eye out for a message on Patreon! :)


True, it really makes the game stand out compared to other games !