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I’ll be going on my Christmas Break starting today! :D

I’ll be back on Wednesday 2nd January!

The other mistletoe scenarios are already scheduled and ready to go for you guys to enjoy on those thursdays though!

Hope everyone has a fantastic festive season (and if you don’t celebrate it, then just have a fantastic time in general!) and a brilliant New Year!!

I just want to say again how grateful I am for your amazing support and positivity on this Patreon! It has blown me away the amount of incredible words and messages you guys have given and I truly hope you know just how much I appreciate it.

This year has been a busy but good one and I can't wait to see what 2019 brings!

Talk to you all soon <3

(I'll send/reply to messages and rewards as soon as I get back on 2nd January! Please don't think I'm ignoring you! Just taking a break to refresh myself ready for a diving head first back into Wayhaven in the new year, hehe :D ).



Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!


Have a lovely festive break! You deserve it &lt;3

Sydney Robertson

Merry Christmas Mishka! Enjoy your break!


Happy holidays to you!!


Happy Holidays! &lt;3

Blake Robertson

Drink tea, Eat pastries, and have a very Merry Christmas!!!!