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"There you are," Felix calls, skidding to a stop at the doorway and stepping inside the kitchen when he sees me.

I smile at him. "I've hardly been hiding."

"Yes, very funny," he replies in an unusually serious tone. He continues to draw near without a smile in sight. A very rare occurance. If he's not grinning outright, then he nearly always at least has a smirk or a hint of a smile on those full, tempting lips of his.

I pause from reading over my file as I sit at the table, papers and pens strewn over the large surface of it. "What's wrong?"

"Well, Nat just told me something interesting," he continues and takes the chair next to me. His knees brush against mine, and I swallow down the ripple of excitement that makes my whole body tense at the touch.

"Oh?" I ask, the word half-catching in my throat.

He purses his lips. "It's Christmas time, right?"

"For those that celebrate it, yeah." 

He leans back in the chair and throws his hands into the air. "And there's all these traditions that go with it?"

I chuckle. "Yeah."

"Like…" He looks up at the ceiling in thought for a moment then back down to me. "Yule log?"

I nod.

"Christmas tree?"

"A staple at this time of year."

He leans forward. "Christmas jumpers?"

I break into a smile. "Maybe we should get one for Ava."

Felix almost smiles at this, but I can see him struggle to hold back the amused expression in favour of seriousness yet again. "And what about…mistletoe?"

I arch a brow.

"Nat wouldn't go into detail and told me to ask you about it."

I take a long breath. "Oh, did she?"

"She seemed quite keen on making sure it was you who explained it to me."

I run a hand over the back of my neck and stand up, pacing a little by the table. "Well, it's…uh…"


I swing around to find Felix stood right behind me.

"It's a plant that's hung in doorways at Christmas time," I manage to get out eventually. Thanks so much, Nat, for making me go through this…

"Why?" Felix presses.

"Because traditionally when two people are stood underneath it they have to…" I clear my throat. "They have to kiss."

Now Felix grins wide. "Oh, I think I'm gonna like that tradition. Maybe you could give me a demonstration?"

"We don't have any mistle—"

Before I can even finish my sentence, Felix whips out a sprig of incredibly fake and gaudy mistletoe from his pocket, a stream of crushed gold ribbon spilling from the stems.

I sigh and stare at him. "You were just waiting to do that, weren't you?"

"Since the second I walked in here," he replies, eyes glimmering with mischief. "So…about this demonstration…" 

My heart gives a heavy thud in my chest as Felix moves to close the gap between us. I glance up as he raises the bundle of mistletoe above us and then drop my eyes back to Felix's.

Anticipation seems to draw us even closer.

Suddenly, I'm as enthusiastic about the tradition as Felix had been as the fingers of his free hand settle on my cheek and I press my eyes closed. 

Then a faint scent of spice hits my nose as I feel Felix's warm breath on my face and every sense I have is instantly lost to him.


Hope you're all having a fantastic week! <3



And once again, here I am, laughing in the middle of the street with people looking at me. I love Felix so fucking much!!! Agh!!!


This is... perfect 💕 I love it, thank you so much


Felix is as adorable as ever. XD


Aah, I'm so happy you liked it :D Was fun getting to just have a moment of alone time with F and MC for a change, hehe!


Adorable. &lt;3 Thank you. This warmed me up inside completely. &lt;3


Also shout out to Nat in this for being a great wingman?!


Man i don't know if my heart can handle these *swoons*


It’s so sweet!!!!!! I was smiling the whole time I was reading 😊


I love it! &lt;3 Jeez I bet F knew the whole time and was just looking for a way to get the Detective to say it lol

Twilight Katana

Felix, oh my God! XD This boy is too hyper during the seasons, and I can FEEL the suffering A must be going through.