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I did something I wasn’t expecting this week! Something I haven’t yet done!

I completely changed one of the members of a unit I’ve already had in my head for aggggges!

Yes, Unit Delta got a bit of a mix-up, hehe! :D

One of the members just…wasn’t working as I was writing them. They weren’t right for the position they had.

So, when something is not gelling at all, I know it needs to be changed, no matter how long I’ve had them this way for in my head or how much of the scene I’ve already written.

Breaking down the unit, I suddenly realised that their handler actually might work a whole ton better as a full member of the team. So, I went back to the scene and started rewriting it with the handler as the team member—and it worked!

It was finally flowing really well to read instead of feeling staccato and not at all organic.

But I haven’t lost that character I replaced. Instead, he’s slipped into the handler role instead, as I still really like him. Plus, I already know he balances the team well, just as the more hands-off position as handler.

So yeah…that was a very unexpected thing. But it was definitely worth the extra work of rewriting to change that!

But even with that, it’s looking like I will finally finish this chapter tomorrow!!! Yay!

Oh my word, it’s been a doozy to write, lol! :D It’s one of those chapters that has so much to it, but as a reader, you’ll only see a small amount, because the scene can change with the unit you get and even the opening is varied depending on the love interest.

But that’s what I love doing for Wayhaven! Trying to make it so there’s lots to see even in multiple replays, or just to enjoy as a single playthrough that’s reacting more closely to your choices!

I am very ready to get editing this chapter and move onto the next chapter, that’s for sure, hehe!


For Update+ this week, a fun moment with Unit Victor I couldn’t help sharing! :D


"What’s happening?" Ralph yells, cowering down, doing a very good impression of a scared target. "What's going on?! I'm just a weak little human with no defences. Somebody help me!"

…He's a little less convincing at that point.


Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll talk to you all on Monday <3



"the opening is varied depending on the love interest." I wonder what could go wrong of having Alima as the handler and M as the LI 🤡 (I would love to see their reactions) ♥️


Aaaaaaa :D I’m so excited for the next chapter! I love getting to meet other units and a new one OR my beloved Unit Alpha and Victor?? So excited!!