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It's that time of the year where we get to have fun interviewing our favourite Wayhaven denizens, hehe! :D

Feel free to send in your questions to any of the characters in the Wayhaven series, or that I've mentioned in other places!

Make sure to include which character you are asking and try to keep it to only one or two characters per question, as it can get a bit lengthy to answer it as multiple in one go!

You can either comment the questions here below or email them to: hello@seraphinitegames.com

Can't wait to read what you're all wondering to know about these characters...hehe! ;D

For those unsure of what the Character Q&A is, I'll post a couple of examples down below:


Nat/Nate: Have you dated humans or supernaturals in the past?

For Haley: What was going through your mind during what happened with the Detective and Mason/Morgan at the bakery that morning?

Farah/Felix, what is the best sensation you've experienced since coming to this world?

Adam/Ava & Nate/Nat - What was your first decade together like?

Bobby: Did you always want to be a reporter? What else would you be doing if reporting wasn't an option?

For M: What one thing does UB do that bugs you the most? My money’s on Farah’s rainbow socks.

Rebecca, what would Rook think about the Detective and Nat going out?

It's just a fun time for me to answer your questions as the characters themselves!



N: You were starting to say something to the detective before the trapper fight (early book three) and before the mission with Ostin (book four), what were you about to say? M and N: have you ever gone to the rooted cellar together? A and N: how long have you been able to have conversations together without speaking?


Adam: Will you help the detective fix her car or help her get a new one?