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Mishka was totally feeling the vibes of this track last week while working on Book 4.

At first, she was convinced it was perfect for Agent M, but then she had a change of heart and thought it could work for our amazing Agents N and F too!

Which love interest route do you think this track suits the most? Let us know in the comments! 💕🎶




Yeah, I can see why she changed her mind about this being an M song. M can't even tell the MC they need to know they'll be okay in chapter 2, so there's no way in hell M would offer themselves up to the MC the way this song does. N or F fits this more. M will never reach the point where this song would fit, because this is about offering everything you are to someone, not just offering sex and vague comments for the other person to "figure it out" on their own.

The thorn of Britannia

This is definitely a F song, because out of the whole group she/he is only one who truly holds nothing back in regards to her/his feelings towards the MC. N is a close second but as one commenter pointed out this song is about giving the person you love everything you are but that means sharing everything about yourself both the good and the bad, and N is still very reluctant to share the negative aspects of his/her past.