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Not exactly the week I was hoping for this week, but I suppose it happens sometimes!

Me and Nai got absolutely slammed with stomach flu this week. We were wiped out Sunday and Monday, then finally thought we were over it Tuesday…only for it to hit us again in full force. So that was…fun, lol.

We did manage to push ourselves to move our working space to somewhere with stable internet finally! I’d actually forgotten what working internet was like until I loaded a webpage in the new space and it just loaded—just like that! :D

So hoping that will make a massive difference to just being able to do things smoothly now.

But whilst I was out of commission for a bit, I did manage to do a few things: as I was thinking over the coding and what’s coming up, I did realise there’s a massive bug for imported characters that I’ll be able to fix before imported characters are even enabled, so that’s a big thing!

Also, I designed the villain’s masquerade mask! I ADORE it so much! You guys on Patreon will get to see it as part of the sketch series I’m doing on there soon. Still have Nate/Nat’s and Farah/Felix’s masks to go in that series as well.

I also wrote a couple of loose scenes to keep me in the flow where the MC kind of ‘falls’ into an AU version of the love interest’s backstory and gets to experience it first hand, as well as interact with the vampires how they were back then.

It won’t be in the main series, but it was a seriously interesting writing exercise!

When we finally started feeling like we could stand up without the world spinning away around us, we really knuckled down to it!

I got the first part of the edits back from the editor, so I’m currently working on those.

I’m hoping to get Chapter Two into the demo some time at the end of this month pushing into early August as a loose idea of date—Patrons getting early access as always!—then Chapter Three and Four will be released together quite some time after that. But Chapter Two has A LOT going on that I really want to get out soon so I can chat about it with you all, hehe! ;D

Next week will be social media days, as well as pushing on with Chapter Three. I’m coming into a section that is seriously massive to write. It has three different versions to start with, as well as branching and variations within each version on top. But it does bring in the introduction of a new Unit, which I’m super excited for!


For Update+ this week, a moment where jealousy begins to get the better of Adam/Ava…and it’s only the start of the book, (as well as the long-awaited return of ‘Redacted’, lol)! :D


I meet their stares and shift on the sofa, unsure how to phrase my next thought. “[Redacted] well, was more creepy in his/her interactions with me than anything. He/She definitely dismissed Ostin but had an apparent interest in me—" I notice Adam/Ava's jaw tense. "My power. Or potential. Something like that, he/she said."


My quick correction doesn't seem to still Adam/Ava's tension, and I'm pretty sure I see his/her emerald eyes flare a shade greener.


Hope you all have an amazing weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll talk to you all on Monday! <3



I’m so sorry you both have been sick!! Hopefully you’ve kicked it for good! Ahhh, Redacted. We meet again 👀 I’m guessing this Redacted is part of that new Unit we get to meet!

Nyx 💜

Jealous A has my heart 😭