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At the end of summer, the lake is a dream. The glassy, still waters are alight in a glow of topaz and citrine, strings of golden pearl-like light glimmering on the surface.

Farah and I sit at the water’s edge, watching as the sun dances down behind the shimmering horizon line, spreading a final dying burst of warmth across the town.

The scene would be idyllic…if not for the midges.

“Ow, shit,” I growl, slapping at my arm and watching the midge fly away with what I’m sure is a smug sway in its retreat.

“Aw, babe,” Farah coos, rubbing at my arm before giving it a little peck of a kiss. “The only one who’s allowed to bite you is me.”

The comment brings a smile to my lips. “But you always keep your fangs safely contained.”

She scoots closer, her breath against my neck drawing a pleasant shiver from me as she murmurs, “You sound disappointed.”

“Maybe I am. A little,” I reply, only half-teasing. It’s impossible not to imagine what it would be like—as macabre an idea as it may seem, part of me is still curious and…oddly wanting. I’ve heard whispers of what a vampire’s bite can be if they want you to enjoy it. It was not something I had much interest in finding out…until I met Farah. Now the thoughts have set my imagination ablaze.

She examines me, amber eyes dancing in the final rays of sunshine. “Really?”

I moisten my suddenly dry lips. “Don’t you wonder about it too? What it would be like?”

Her breath stutters as she swallows thickly. She reaches up, tracing her fingertips with featherlight touch down my throat, my pulse throbbing at the touch. “I wonder about it way more than I should.”

Her gaze trails upwards to meet my eyes once more. Her fangs, elongated longer than usual now, bite at her lower lip, making my temperature soar with all the ideas the small gesture inspires.

“Then why don’t you—”


A force of magic so strong slams into us that we’re sent skittering back five feet across the pebble shore.

From the lake’s waters, a creature erupts from the depths in a torrent of water. With arms too long for its barnacle-bruised body, it flails around, growling out more shouts and setting the waters into a battle of small whirlpools.

“Jeez, Billy!” Farah yells, hauling herself onto her feet and flicking off the water soaked into her dress—which now clings to her body in a way that brings back all those previous thoughts. “Chill out.”

The creature pauses its wild beating of the water’s surface and blinks its five eyes. “Oh no! Did I do that to you guys?”

I let out a long sigh as Farah helps me onto my feet, streams of water dripping from the bottom of my own clothing. “Pretty much, yeah.”

The creature pulls its arms into its blue-red body and lets out a hissed breath. “Agh, I’m so, so sorry!” Its slick eyelids blink out of unison as it glances between our close position. “You weren’t…having a moment, were you?”

We were trying,” Farah mutters.

“Don’t worry. We’re used to the interruptions at this point,” I reply through a chuckle, wiping the wet from my face and blinking to clear my vision of the lake water.

“I’m so sorry,” Billy flusters again, wobbling closer to the shoreline and spreading out its tentacle-like arms as though showing its palms. “I just always forget what it’s like coming from the water to the surface. Gives me a hell of a headache every time the moment I breach the surface.”

Farah turns to retrieve a large water-proof canister filled with a variety of pearlescent shells. “Well, don’t let us keep you. Here.”

Billy’s face lights up, well I assume, if it had a face and not just hardened areas of reef and rock. “Oh, I’ve almost run out of my last stock!” It reaches out, curling its tentacle arms around the canister and hugging it into its body with a small wiggle of happiness. “Let your Agency know how much I appreciate this, won’t you?”

“Will do,” I reply.

“Same time next season?” Farah asks, and I try not to look over at her and become all kinds of distracted yet again.

Billy gives an enthusiastic nod before flicking its tentacle up in a wave that smothers us both in water yet again. “Oh, I’m so sorry—”

I hold up a hand as I shake some of the water off. “It’s fine. We’ll see you next time.”

The creature gives a wince of apology before sinking beneath the lake, a bubbling trail showing its trail away before it disappears completely.

“Well, that went—”

“Pretty much exactly the same as last time?” I finish with a smile, letting water drip from my fingers as we turn away to start walking back to the car.

Farah shrugs, making to put her hands into the pockets of her skirt but realizing the fabric is sealed to her body from the wet. “At least it’s another successful mission ticked off our quota.”

“Are you looking for a reward?” I tease.

She grins. “Would I get one if I asked?”

I step in closer, my arms curling around her, my hands spreading across the small of her back to enjoy the feel of her beneath my touch. “Depends on if I get one too.”

Her smile tastes sweeter than any sunset or sunrise as she leans in for the kiss: warm and fresh, addictive and needful.

But even as her tongue swipes distractingly against my bottom lip seeking entry, we’re both very aware that our previous conversation lingers unanswered between us…



Man i wish we have the option of letting our LI drink from us in a romantic scene in the future


This conversation!! Farah's admission that she wonders way more about it than she should (me too, me too haha!). If only the two of them would have an uninterrupted moment to.. discuss it further ;)