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This reporter is a hard one to figure out, but Farah does her best anyway. Both [Name] and Bobby have immediate reactions to each other when they’re near, but it’s like someone’s taken a bunch of emotions and whirled them in a blender.

Needless to say, the smoothie of emotions makes it hard to pick out who is the one feeling what.

But there is a definite overpowering emotion that only emanates from the reporter when he’s around [Name]. And it makes Farah’s stomach clench.

"I just came to say hello,” Bobby lies so obviously Farah almost scoffs at the words. “I was in one of the stores, saw you over here, and thought it was the nice thing to do. That's all."

Farah can’t hold back her scoff this time. “Uh-huh.”

Bobby’s focus wanders only momentarily. “Maybe…”

"Maybe what?" [Name] demands.

An unease settles across Farah at the way Bobby smiles. "Maybe it would be better to catch you another time. It's always better when you're…alone."

The words hit their mark with needling precision. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Farah blurts out.

A sense of satisfaction courses through Bobby that tastes bitter and thick inside Farah’s mouth, and she quickly regrets asking the question, already aware she’s really not going to like the answer.

"Well,” Bobby begins, in no apparent hurry to just spit it out. “We get up to all sorts of things when we're together by ourselves."

[Name] tenses beside her.

Sweeping his thumb across his lip, Bobby savours some imaginary taste as well as all of the attention focused on him. "That kiss last time we were alone…Still makes me tingle."

Farah is so glad she’s the only one with empathic abilities right now. She definitely doesn’t want [Name] knowing just how much Bobby’s statement turns her entire being upside down and shakes it to the core.

She grasps at her skirt and dares a look at [Name]. "Last time you were alone? When was that?" Please don’t have been recently. Please don’t have been recently. The chant stings through her with desperate hope.

[Name] doesn’t get a chance to respond before Bobby is at it again.

"I better get going,” he says with a dismissive flick of his hand. “See you all soon." [Name] is still looking at Farah, so doesn’t notice the pained look the reporter throws their way that Farah catches, and the expression is gone by the time [Name] finally does turn to watch Bobby leave.

Farah also takes the opportunity to walk away then, needing space to get her heart back under control.

The strength of her reaction to this revelation should probably be proof of just how deeply and quickly Farah has fallen for [Name]—but there’s too much hollowness right now to focus on anything but the fear of what the next conversation might hold…






Oh my HEART!!! This is just too painful - aah Bobby!!


I can't 😭 I wanted to see the kiss reaction for all the love interests but I just couldn't bring myself to do it to Farah. The rest of the love interests had irked me enough at some point or another with different antics (A's emotional back and forth, N's stubborn overprotectiveness, M's... rudeness lmao) so I felt little to no guilt hurting their feelings a little, but I could never, ever do it to Farah. Bobby who got kissed on the F route should be hit with a chair. And so should the detective 😭😂 LEAVE MY BABYGIRL ALONE! She doesn't deserve this!