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For the penultimate video in this planning series, I thought we would talk some about forming the look of a character.

The obvious place to start for this is pictures. Images. Which you can totally do and is a very inspiring way to go. I’m a very visual person myself, so it always works for me.

But what if that’s not the route you want to take? Sometimes it’s easy to go for the obvious when you look at pictures.

Instead, why don’t we work with what we already have planned for a character?

Let’s take our matchmaker, as we started planning their personality through imagery, we’ll change it up now and go a different direction to plan their look.

You guys through the poll decided their personality would be someone who enjoys their job as matchmaker, they’re refined and good at dealing with stress, they worked hard to get their position, and they have powers linked with romance and emotion.

Hm, I think the powers thing is interesting, someone who has powers linked with emotion could also be someone who has blocked themselves off from others because of it being overwhelming. But with them being good at handling stress, I can’t see that being true. So instead maybe they embrace that part of who they are.

So we could have someone linked heavily with emotion and romance through their magic—maybe this gives us a softer colour palette. And with them also being ‘staff’ in a royal court, they wouldn’t necessarily want to be as extravagant as the royals, so more of a muted colour palette would work well for them. Neutrals and gentle pastels, perhaps.

But as someone who worked hard to get their position, they may also enjoy showing off that more powerful position. Maybe underneath that soft palette they are flashes of rich jewellery or emblems of their position or one bright colour.

People often express their personalities through their wardrobe and accessories, so it makes sense our characters might too!

Yet, if we look at this from another angle—perhaps they enjoy their job so much they want to show it off to everyone: bolder colour palettes related to romance—purples, pinks, golds, creams. A refined elegance that shows through layers of fabrics instead of something simple, again to show off how they can now afford this rich clothing because of how hard they worked to earn their position.

Their ability to handle stress gives them the self-confidence to wear something flashier and draw attention to themself! Patterns and statement accessories.

Both of these work for this character, even with the ideas being opposites.

I thought instead of a poll this time around it, would be fun to see what YOU would have come up with for the wardrobe of our character from the personality chosen!

So, in the comments, why not leave your ideas of a wardrobe/clothing option that is inspired by the personality of our matchmaker? (Someone who enjoys their job, they’re refined and good at dealing with stress, they worked hard to get their position, and they have powers linked with romance and emotion)!

It’s really good fun to give it a go, hehe! :Da



For the matchmaker, I would lean in a Cupid-y direction; I love being inspired by historical artwork from mythology, so I would go something like loose, flowing white cloth, simple pins to hold it in place, maybe some delicate gold jewelry and then maybe cream accents and some sort of wavy or curly hair. I wouldn't want them to be too obviously based off Cupid, so I'd also try to figure out some Eros or Aphrodite things to contribute. That one painting, The Birth of Venus, depicts Venus, goddess of love and beauty, as coming out of a giant seashell and having this loose teal-ish sheer drapery around her, so I'd try to work in seashells or pearls and the color teal or a sheer shawl of some kind of shawl into the look, too. And with their personality being very good at handling stress, and working hard to get their position, I'd show that in smaller ways: maybe their clothing is pinned more tightly to keep from having wardrobe malfunctions at important events, or their hair is done with immaculate styling that must have taken hours and LOTS of hair accessories. You probably get the idea by now.

Rachel Stone

I'm thinking someone likes looking well put together. They type that tuts at mustard stains, definitely giving Josephine vibes. I like the idea what they ware seems simple but like Nat it's all made with the finest of materials. Super soft shirts. Though they would have a bright bold look at me color piece like a sash or cape or something. Bright red. All very durable though, meant to last.