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Internet has been atrocious again this week, so I’m giving this update to Nai via SD card for her to post up using her internet!

With the internet being so bad, I haven’t been able to do my usual social media days with asks on Tumblr, so Nai will be posting up some things on there so you guys have some fun posts to see until I can get online.

I have given her the Patreon scenarios and exclusive content though so you all won’t be missing any of that. Those posts I could write on Word and send to her on SD to schedule for me. I can’t wait for you to read the next scenario going up. It involves Adam/Ava and a plastic Dracula toy…it had me chuckling the whole time, hehe! :D

But not being able to do full social media days did mean I got back to writing quicker, and I was on a serious roll! I slammed a bunch of scenes out this week that I love, and it felt seriously good to tick off so many scenes from my list!

I really think breaking the plan down into scenes rather than chapters has helped immensely. I seriously recommend it to anyone who struggles to look at their chapter plans and gets overwhelmed!

It definitely helps the most when there’s so many variations to do of one scene. So far, apart from the very opening scene, all the scenes after have had to have completely different versions of them (so one scene written in three different ways, for example) or need variations in to account for choices (such as if you chose Rebecca or Adam/Ava to be your handler).

But, something I did forget in doing it all in scenes, is I still need to put in where the chapters are, lol!

So yeah, I need to go back through what I’ve done and decide where’s a good place to end Chapter One, as I’ll only be releasing that chapter in the first demo so need to focus on that chapter for that demo release (hopefully some time in later April, which you guys will obviously have early access to!).


For Update+ this week, I’ve been saving a bunch of snippets to a Word document ready to share as I’ve been writing, and I struggled to decide which one ‘cause there are some real fun ones, hehe!

But I settled on a chat with Tina, and a moment of flashback…


"I see you've already made changes," I say to gain her focus again, running my hand over the faux-marble top of the modern, curved desk.

"I didn't have much of a choice," she replies. "Your desk had a massive chunk missing from one corner. I kept catching my hip on it every time I passed. How did you not have massive bruises all the time from that thing?"


Hope you all have the most fabulous weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll talk to you all on Monday! Thank you all so much for your incredible continued support! Can’t wait for you to see what I’ve got coming up this month on Patreon ;D



I can't wait for late April!!! So exciting! :3 I'm sad the old desk had to go :,) The detective-oh, my bad, the newly appointed UB member and agency agent ;D, should go and rescue it 🥺