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just wanted to say hiiii, ive been traveling for about 2 months and a half and I just havent have the place or time to make stuff! so I want to thank everyone who is still supporting me and who is still here after so long!
I completely understand if you can't support more, but I am very thankful for everything y'all have done for me so far

I also want to say that I am a lot happier these days, life has been great, i've been surrounded by friends who love going to the gym, and I've had a lot of time to think and grow

That said, I will be getting back into making art more often around mid october when I am back from travelling!

ok thank you byeeee!




Great to hear you're feeling better 🤗

siliconespectre .

glad to have you back tele, dont be afraid to take care of yourself, there are plenty of simps to support you.

Jaime P Flores

The overcorrection was at least not surprising yes? You went in so HARD on the art, you had to take an extended break, now to fine tune the art/life balance! (Also please more lusty eyes and lip biting...desire > more curves)


Love that you're doing and feeling better, broski. Looking forward to seeing what else you create. You're by far my favorite artist/animator. Keep on living your best life mate


this is why you are the only artist I have ever spent money on, beautiful work AND a good soul. Keep up the good life.


I don't check Patreon often so I'm behind the curve but I'm really glad to hear you're doing better!


we will support you tele!


New content mid October 2024?


Been about four months, everything okay?


Good stuff my guy! I hope you're feeling better