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i don't want to be famous, it would be to overwhelming for me, the money would be nice tho

Zuko Halliwell

I actually have strong feelings about the subject matter in this episode. A few years ago, I read a short story called "Girlfriend on Mars" by Deborah Willis. Ever since then, I've thought about starting a movement to protest against sending humans to Mars. At present, it's not possible to make a return trip to Earth. Even if it was, prolonged exposure to Mars's low gravity would deteriorate one's bones and muscles to the point that Earth's gravity would crush them. Also, the Sun emits radiation that the Earth's magnetosphere protects us from. But, outside of Earth's magnetosphere, a person would be dead within about 2 years. Now, when you add all those up, imagine if a child was born on Mars. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I heard that the company that wanted to colonize Mars was a scam. PS, I used to want to be famous as an actor, but I'm not sure anymore.